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这是一个令人期待的日子,我们会将准备好的祝福语送出去,祝福语代表了我们内心最诚挚的祝愿。你的都每一天都被祝福围绕。那朋友之间的祝福语怎么说好呢?以下是趣祝福小编为大家整理的“英文生日祝福语50条 ”,欢迎你收藏本站,并关注网站更新!此外,您还可以浏览祝福语大全栏目的暗恋表白子46条

wishing you ——
glad days filled with friendliness,
bright days filled with cheer,
warm days filled with happiness
to last throughout the year!
have a wonderful brithday1
roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say,
may each hour be a happy one on this special day.
have a happy birthday!
every day is birthday time when thinking of you,
and i shall keep one sublime
hoping your many dreams come true.
the kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.
happy birthday!
among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called "a special friend" and that''''s how i think of you.
you show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,
that’s why i hope your birthday is the happiest of days.
happy birthday to a wonderful person!
wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!
hope your birthday is like you —— special.
a happy birthday!





1、 我站在云朵里,用轻盈做快乐的模型,给你开心的永远,我坐在海中,用宽广做思维的源泉,给你快乐的无限,朋友祝你生日快乐。

2、 今天是你的生日,在这一天里,百花将为你盛开,燕雀将为你啼唱,我也将在这里为你祝福。这一天是属于你的世界,抛开繁琐的杂念。祝梦想成真。

3、 你好像生气了,我心里也不好受!如果是我酿成了此错,希望你能原谅!如果不能原谅,我自己也就无法原谅我自己了。今天还是你的生日,你大人有大量就原谅我啦!生日快乐!

4、 等待,只为与你的相遇。也许没有人会相信,这一刹那迸出的毫光,将要映亮你我漫漫一生。我在那盛开的兰花瓣上写出对你无限的思念与祝福,并祝你生日快乐!

5、 每次过生日,我都许下同一心愿;每次望夜空,我都期待同一时刻。直到你出现,直到那一刻,我的心愿得以实现,我的期待化作现实。我爱你!

6、 星星守护着月亮,所以月亮睡的安详,温暖守护着春天,所以春天笑得灿烂,我守护着你,所以希望你一辈子都快快乐乐,亲爱的,生日快乐。

7、 一天天满怀着深切的思念,一天天回忆着梦中的笑脸,一天天期待着甜蜜的相见,一天天编织着幸福的明天,一天天构思着美好的祝愿。宝贝,生日快乐!

8、 一年一次祝福,一年一度生日,此时此刻,愿你心里溢满快乐,手里拿满礼物!对你深情地说出:宝贝,生日快乐!愿此时成为你最美丽的回忆!

9、 一年一度生日,此时此刻,愿你心里溢满快乐,手里拿满礼物!对你深情地说出:宝贝,生日快乐!愿此时成为你最美丽的回忆!

10、 一年一度,生命与轮回相逢狭路,我将心里满载的祝福,用短信倾诉。送你一份真挚的礼物,礼物里有满满的幸福,还带着快乐的温度,生日快乐哦!

11、 甜蜜的爱情里,留下了美好的回忆;幸福的生活里,注入了平凡的点滴。亲爱的,祝你生日快乐,我要陪你度过以后的每一个生日!

12、 因为有你,爱不曾离去;因为有你,生命才有奇迹。爱你无需深情的言语,只要我们一直手牵手走下去就足矣。亲爱的老婆生日快乐,让爱陪伴我们一直到永远。

13、 用快乐包装礼物,用甜蜜制作蛋糕,用浪漫调制红酒,用幸福点燃蜡烛,亲爱的今天是你的生日,愿我的每次心跳变成流星,让你的愿望全部成真。

14、 青春和天才携手同行,无疑是世间最美好的景象。而这两者你都具备了,今天,愿你的青春和才智,为你带来一个更美好的明天!生日快乐!

15、 流星划过天空,是因为他要吻向大地,空中白云飘飘,是因为他对天空恋恋不舍,我对你热情无比,是因为我要对你说:生日快乐!

16、 梦境会褪色,繁花也会凋零,但心中的友谊却一直珍藏。在这个特殊的日子里,虽然不能陪伴在身旁,但是深深的祝福不会忘,生日快乐!

17、 老婆和你在一起的每一秒我都会铭记在心里。我确信你是我失落的那根肋骨,今后的日子我会陪伴着你,守护着你,疼爱着你,你会是我永远的天使,我会永远的爱着你,直到天荒地老!

18、 我们曾经的陌生变熟悉,从熟悉变知已,时间创造着真挚,使你我的距离悄然靠近,在你的生活中,也许我不是最出色的,可你却是我今生最难忘的!生日快乐!

19、 糖和水相遇,溶化更快;山和水相连,美景更美;你和我心灵相通,情谊更浓;我的心时刻铭记你的生日,送上真心地祝福,祝你生日快乐!

20、 一根魔法棒为你变出千百祝福,一件隐形衣帮你隐去一切烦恼,一条魔扫着带你飞向遥远幸福,一个好朋友为你带来诚挚祝福。祝你像置身魔法世界一样,生日快乐!

21、 清凉的海水让我无比的快乐,蔚蓝的天空带来一丝的清爽,父爱如山,父爱无言,老爸,你是我背后的一座山,让我心里永远有依靠,我长大了,你却一天天老了,亲爱的爸爸,祝你生日快乐!

22、 在你生日的这一天,将快乐的祝福音符,作为礼物送给你,愿您拥有365个美丽的日子,衷心地祝福你!生日快乐乐乐乐乐乐乐!

23、 在今天这个特别的日子,我要送给你一公斤的温馨浪漫!一公斤的平安幸福!一公斤的开心快乐!还有我称不出重量的珍贵友谊:生日快乐!

24、 在你的生日之际,给你送去我诚挚的问候,愿我的祝福如春日清风、夏日阳伞、秋日香茶、冬日暖阳,为你捎去清凉、避雨遮阳、爽口养胃、送去温暖!

25、 在你的生日来临之际,我搜肠挂肚地想该送你什么礼物,终于让我想出了一个句特有技术含量的话:“猪”你生日快乐!外加“心想事成”大礼包一份!

26、 在你的生日到来之际,请接受我的礼物,它带给你温存的爱慕和深情的思念,以及我绵绵不断的思念,祝愿你生日快乐,欢欢喜喜又一年!永远快乐!

27、 在我的最亲爱的人生日之时,我托明月、星辰、阳光以及世界上有生气的万事万物,将我爱的祝福带到你身边,祝我的爱人生日快乐,永远健康、快乐!

28、 在这一年中特别的日子,你注定被我想起。日子一天一天溜走,生日一年一年度过,愿将一份宁静和喜悦悄悄带给你,愿你所有的梦想成真。生日快乐!

29、 早上一睁眼,喜鹊窗外叫。苦思冥想之,今日你生日。不在你身边,短信真情表。健康常相伴,快乐时时随,夜夜睡的香,生活烦恼消。生日快乐噢。

30、 想着你就是幸福的,看着你就是快乐的,说到你我就是夸赞的,见到你我就是灿烂的,养着你就是增值的,猪啊!生日快乐!

31、 把烦恼给我,我把它化做快乐给你!把忧伤给我,我把它化做幸福给你!把挫折给我,我把它化做坚强给你!把孤独给我,我把它化做友情给你!愿友谊永存!生日快乐!

32、 龙生九子,每个属龙的都是华夏好儿女,老婆,你也是,鉴于你在家里霸道,财政独揽大权。我坚定的认为你也是龙,霸王龙。生日快乐。

33、 摘一颗星,送去真情;采一朵云,献上殷勤;梦境再好,终将褪色;繁花再茂,也会凋零;只有友谊地久天长,心中永藏;生日快乐,早圆梦想。

34、 请将爱情酿成美酒,一点点地品尝;请将友谊做成风铃,悦耳的声音响在耳旁;请将快乐做成生日蛋糕,请朋友们一起分享。

35、 爸爸,我会在你所赋予的世界中明白你给我的每一个关怀,在满怀感动之时,向你表达最诚挚的生日祝福!爸爸,生日快乐!

36、 也许是你的朋友生日了,也许是你的爸爸妈妈生日了,不管是谁,你都应当准备好生日祝福的话,在他们生日的那天祝福他们生日快乐!

37、 杯杯美酒杯杯福,点点烛光点点情,愿烛光温暖你的每一年,愿美酒快乐你的每一天。熟悉的旋律送给你,真诚的祝福送给你:祝你生日快乐!

38、 你的出生给这个世界带来了欢笑,你的出生给这个世界带来了祥和,你的出生给这个世界带来了幸福,为了这个世界的美好,你的生日一定要快快乐乐的哟。

39、 早上醒来,窗外有喜鹊在叫,仔细一想,你的生日已到!不在身边,发条短信表祝福:身体要健康,天天要快乐!夜夜睡的香,生活没烦恼!

40、 早晨醒来,我便让白鸽帮我捎去对你的祝福,虽然远隔千山万水,但我们的情谊便是白鸽飞翔的动力,当你看见它时,请将它放在耳边,听它说:生日快乐!

41、 早晨醒来,便让白鸽捎去我对你的祝福,虽然远隔千山万水,但我们的情谊便是白鸽飞翔的动力,当你看见它时,请将它放在耳边,听它说:生日快乐!

42、 有一个秘密想告诉你:今天的你是与众不同滴;有一件礼物要送给你:给你送去我的祝福语;有一句话特别赠予你:亲耐地同学,生日快乐必须滴!












1、I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary. Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness.


May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.

2、A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart. Happiness for your birthday and always.


3、It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one. May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!


4、May your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity with many returns of the day.


5、I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday. May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.


6、Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.



7、I want to be one of the first who say "Happy birthday to you". May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!


8、My birthday wishes to you are the warmest. May all the plans you are making work out just right for you and may life always bring the best things your way.



9、I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday. May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.


10、Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. May your joy last through the year.







Day to remember the original world more beautiful because of you, happy birthday。


Wish a wonderful fragrance moment around you, make your life full of happiness, forever the bath in endless joy time! I wish you a happy birthday!


Today is your birthday, my love, thank you for your toil, thank you for giving me the concern, understanding and support。 All my love to you!


Today is your birthday, I will never forget not to drop a day。 May god bless you a happy life in peace, healthy and happiness! My wife。


Let me bless for you, let me laugh for you, because in your birthday today, my heart is with you the same jubilation, happy! I wish you a happy birthday!


I have no colorful flowers, no the romantic poetry, no expensive gifts, free without those exciting surprise, only a gentle blessing, wish you a happy birthday!


The birthday girl guy, in your birthday is coming, wish you can get all hope, all dreams come true, all waiting can appear, all paying can cash, happy birthday!


I come lightly, just as I gently walked, I wave sleeves, leaving a calf。 In your birthday approaching, send to I deeply wishes, I wish you the best cattle shipped。


Let message carrying my greetings and words to express my wish, in your birthday today, my heart is with you the same jubilation, happy! I wish you a happy birthday!


My greetings to my love for you, wish you have a nice birthday, the day in the past, you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness。


A long interval, long line, long time wipe constantly, today is your birthday, far away I have been thinking of you, I wish you a happy birthday! I care about most of friends!


Today is your birthday, my love, thank you for your toil, thank you for giving me the concern, understanding and support。 All my love to you! Happy birthday!


Noisy party over the happy face, sweet wine passes happy sweet, gorgeous candlelight reflected happy smiling face, sweet cake to express wishes to you: happy birthday to you!


An arrival this day and age a long long; Cake to cheer, wish to achieve; Texting this have what meaning? The main purpose of the blessing, wish happiness, peace thinking into everything!


Mom, happy birthday! Wish I could have the language to express our gratitude, thank you for your daily housework and give our help。 May you always happy in the future years to health!


Lifestyle is very happy and happy, happiness and happiness are special happiness, peace and peace are always peace, health and health are very healthy。 I wish you a happy birthday, happy!


Dear, tomorrow is your birthday, send a blessing SMS, tell you, Im ready, waiting for your call; Want to say to you is that you are in my life, the only girl worth waiting for。


Time is always more and more short, birthday is increasingly fast, love is always more and more strong, my blessing is more and more deep, let you every day as picturesque beauty! Happy birthday!


The husband, in your birthday is approaching, I wish Kenneth legitimate cause, numerous money, is strong as tigers, work without hard, carefree like mice, like romantic music, happiness only you!


Want to be the stars shining eyes, nurse you spend a quiet night, with the blessing, soar with the truth in you dream of the sea, I wish you in the future a dream but reality, happy birthday!


Blessing of ho also said not over, always happy thing always cant finish the music, beautiful mood beautiful forever, always happy days is not over, I wish you a happy birthday, happy every day。


poor cant afford to drink water, poor to pay my fee, poor to eat rice, poor leaves bowl, the poor are all tired, poor leaves the mouth; Generous clockwork information: I wish you a happy birthday。


Happy birthday song for you joy, and happiness with you。 May your life sweet and fragrant like a cake。 Lit candles, please remember to make a good wish。 I wish you a happy birthday, a dream come true!


You are the happiest woman in the world, there is a handsome, humorous and love your husband very holds the promise of life to you and to walk with you every year today, my wife, happy birthday!


pick a beautiful flower, a bunch of red maple leaf, into the envelope of missing, remote sent to distant friends! In this the most beautiful day of the year, I sincerely say to you: happy birthday!


With light your birthday candle, the falling of a star with a falling snow in the winter for you write Zhang Zhufu card, with a sincere heart for you open the years new chapter, I wish you a happy birthday。


Let the stars into my eyes, care of you all night; Let the wind into my smile, your act of heart; Let all the good things into my blessing, happy birthday to longevity, happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea!


put each petal melody in the imagination, put each color eyes in meditation, in my life the most perfect time, in the life the most perfect event, my dear friends, I wish you a happy birthday, happy forever。


Sweet cake, sons and daughters of filial piety; Red red candle, childrens affective thick; Children singing meimei, deeply in love; The blessings of children birthday noodles, long continuous! Let father happy birthday!


Affair best mood, purple deep and remote dream, full of light。 Thrown into poems elegant way。 Fung sound moving, lianchi with poly, the star is like a dance。 In your birthday, text messages, I wish you a happy birthday!


Read this message, make a wish, all over the sky star, all want to see your smiling face; There are long clouds hint of yearning, flow there are my wishes, continuous, wish you a happy birthday, smile to life every day!


Today is your birthday, but I cant in your side, but my blessing had already passed the long march, after my own heart have no face to face expression, send a text message, send sincere blessings! I wish a happy birthday!


I wish you a happy birthday! Send you a bouquet of flowers, love make you mood float in the sky; Send you a bouquet of roses, let you love happiness; Send you a bouquet of carnations, let you warm warm; I wish you a happy birthday!


Although you are not an angel, but it has the beauty of an angel。 Although you are not a princess, but it has the temperament of the princess。 Ordinary and extraordinary, you sending out the charming fragrance。 Happy birthday, my friend!


We get to know each other so long, Im glad our friendship remains the same, so beautiful, so pure, forget your delicate and charming smile, happy and unforgettable you, our love will never change, I wish you a happy birthday!


In the formative years have troubles have happiness, have flowers have thorns on the way forward, the stamp of the mind has a slow song has the song。 In your birthday this day, with my blessing my greetings: I wish a happy。


Everyone, has his own times, looking back, looking to the future, accept a blessing, looking forward to tomorrows way; The sacred moment, I wish you will always outshine all。 I wish you a happy birthday, the day no worries!


Let the wind blow away your troubles, running water to drain away your sadness, diffuse in the air is happy, sending out the aroma of happiness in the flowers。 World health day blessing you, wish healthy body belong to you forever。


To send a wisp of the golden sun, let you happiness of life more warm, send a cool oasis of your beautiful face more moist, to send a sincere birthday wishes, may you through one of the most beautiful days, happy birthday。


In your birthday this day, the rising sun, shine your life fortune; peace of white clouds, the wind sent to you forever; All over the sky sunset glow, weave up your life choi jin; I use the most beautiful wish I wish you a happy birthday!


potpourri birthday is coming, I give you sweet cake。 Butterfly busy birthday is coming, I give you sweet love; Song Yang birthday is coming, I give you happiness; Wishing you peace and happiness, every year ruyi!


Wake up in the morning, with the magpies calling outside the window, carefully think, your birthday has come! Not around, clockwork SMS blessing of table: physical health, be happy every day! Night after night sweet sleep, life no worries!


Focus your thoughts today, your birthday is coming, send you two red eggs, I wish you the best of everything, the shell wrapped in happiness, protein steal hidden sweet, egg yolk, saturated with happy, with your hand to forever!


Life is like a sightseeing ladder, every layer and will overlook the farther more beautiful scenery。 Congratulations on the wheel of life, build more into one year old。 I hope you in joy and happiness, I wish you a happy birthday!


A newspaper, a year, the headlines is called happy, N years ago subscriptions, N years later, the plate is called a spring, summer, autumn and winter, the editor is called life, friends, would you please read the journal, please happy every day。


·Time can never wash away our happy memories.


·Hope you dont end up doing something naughty on your birthday!

·Best wishes for a happy birthday and a happy, healthy and lucky year.

·May your life be even brighter as each birthday comes and goes. Have a wonderful birthday!

·Hope your birthday grows happier by the minute!




·This brings a birthday message especially to say, you are wished the finest things in life today and every day!

生日快乐 ! 让我为你祝福,让我为你欢笑,因为在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝我的宝贝,生日快乐!!

·Keep smiling on your birthday.

·Its time to celebrate.My best friend was born today! I shouldnt.I wouldnt.I couldnt forget to wish you Happy Birthday!


Mother, I'm wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that I'd so like to say ——How thankful I am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you.

·Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness. Happy Birthday!

·Its your birthday and I love you so, the happiness we share means more than I can show. Wishing you every happiness!

·Love is always my gift to you. Happy Birthday!


·please accept my love, congratulations and warmest wishes this day and every day.

Just "Happy Birthday",Dad,isn't much to say,yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes,too,for happiness on your birthday and always,all year through.

·Hope your birthday is full of fun, like going shopping all day long.

·Wish u a birthday youll remember the whole year, just as yr friends miss u all year long! Have a happy birthday!

·This is a day to celebrate,a day for feeling great,a day for fun and play,its your BIRTHDAY!

Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.

Time flies. Today comes your birthday. The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come. Many happy returns!

Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings.

permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday!

May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.

Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.


Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life\s way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.


1、Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event. Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose.


2、My greetings come with affection for the nicest kind of birthday that could be wished for you. When this day comes to an end and you lie down to rest, may the peace of a golden dream be filled with happiness.


3、A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you. May you seek all the best that the world has to give. May you never stop learning for as long as you live.


4、Be happy, be cheerful. It"s time to celebrate. My friend was born today. Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.


5、My heartiest birthday greetings to you, a feeling much warmer than anybody can know. Best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year.

·日出东山落西山愁也一天喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖人又舒坦心也舒坦;常与知己聊聊天古也谈谈今也谈谈;不是神仙胜似神仙;愿君快乐到永远。 ·幸福是清晨醒来时微笑着送上的一个吻;是风起时从身后为我披上的一件衣;是疲惫时奉上的一杯清茶;是清贫时两人共享的一碗白粥。祝你幸福


6、Let me join all your other friends in wishing you a happy birthday. Today specially belongs to you. Take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.


7、My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent.


8、Warmest wishes that your birthday holds nothing but the best. The finest things in life today and every day!


9、May you enjoy to the fullest the joy of today. Wishing that your special day be a winner all the way!


10、Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life.




11、In honour of your moving out of the twenties, we are giving you a marvelous birthday party.


12、A wish for your wonderful birthday that brings a world of bright and lovely things to remember each day through the year.




13、Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!


14、May your life brighter as eachbirthday comes and goes. The nicest kind of birthday that could be wishes for you.


15、May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun. Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday.


