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1. 你是我的唯一,愿意成为我的情人吗?

2. 在这个浪漫的节日,我想告诉你我有多喜欢你。

3. 每天想起你,我都觉得自己很幸运。

4. 今天,我想把我的心掏出来,送给你。

5. 我爱你,不仅仅是在今天,更是在今后的每一天。

6. 你是我的全部,我愿意和你一起走完余生。

7. 你是我的梦想,和你在一起就是最好的事情。

8. 我在情人节送上一颗真诚的心,希望你能收下。

9. 爱情的味道,犹如巧克力般甜蜜,我愿意与你一起品尝。

10. 你是世上最美的,我爱你,这辈子都不会变。

11. 我心中最美的风景,就是你。

12. 和你在一起,我的生活变得更加美好。

13. 你是我的梦想,和你在一起就是最好的事情。

14. 与你相遇是最美好的缘分,我爱你,永远永远。

15. 我的心门永远为你敞开,因为只有你可以让我真正感受到爱的温度。

16. 人生不长,能够与你相遇是一种美丽的意外。

17. 我们的幸福像甜蜜的巧克力,每天都让我沉醉其中。

18. 爱你,就像吻着春天的花朵,迎接着明媚的阳光。

19. 你是我的梦想,我来跟你牵手,陪你走完一个精彩的人生。

20. 我们的爱情就像宝石一样,璀璨夺目。

21. 在这个有爱的日子里,我想对你说三个字:我爱你!

22. 你的出现,让我的生命变得更加完整。

23. 爱你是我做过的最正确的决定,也会是我最幸福的选择。

24. 我一生中最美好的一天,就是能与你一起走完。

25. 不必嫉妒别人的情人,因为我会成为你一生中最爱的人。

26. 你是我的阳光,我愿意永远被你照耀。

27. 我的心里只有你,这个情人节,我只想和你在一起。

28. 眼前的你,让我感到心跳加速,我情愿守护你,一生一世。

29. 你是我一生中唯一想要的人,我的心只属于你。

30. 与你在一起的每一天,都是我人生中最美好的时光。

31. 我爱你,不需要在情人节才表达,因为我的心一直都有你。

32. 我们的爱情是如此真挚,就像燃烧的火焰一样炽热。

33. 爱你就像呼吸一样,无需刻意,自然而然。

34. 你是我的甜蜜,我的幸福,我的一切,我爱你。

35. 在我快乐的时候,我会先想到你,因为你是我的全部。

36. 爱上你,就像从明朗走进充满灯火和烟花的夜晚,美好无比。

37. 我会努力让你成为全世界最幸福的女人,因为你对我而言非常重要。

38. 跟你在一起,我的人生变得更加美好,我感谢上天让我们相遇。

39. 爱你就像爱自己的生命一样,毫不犹豫,绝不后悔。

40. 我的爱因你变得更加纯粹,我的人生因你变得更加美好。

41. 我会一直陪在你身边,直到永远,不管发生什么事都不会离开你。

42. 你是我生命中最美妙的经历,我希望能与你走完人生的每一步。

43. 希望你在人生的道路上,能够一路拥有我的陪伴。

44. 我的世界因你而变得更加丰富多彩,感谢你给予我如此美好的爱。

45. 我会用我的全部力量,去爱你、守护你,让你安心幸福。

46. 我愿意与你一起分享我所拥有、所期望的未来。

47. 爱情不是所有,但我的所有就是爱情,放心把自己交给我。

48. 在我充满爱的怀抱中,你会感受到人生最美好的幸福。

49. 我会紧紧抓住你的手,不放开,直到我们世世代代。

50. 我在情人节收到的最美的礼物,就是能与你共度这个浪漫的一天。

51. 我爱你,从你的头发到脚趾,从你的外表到内心深处。

52. 与你一起,我的人生变得更加完整,爱你甚至超过我所爱的自己。

53. 我想和你一起度过每一个美好的日子。

54. 爱你比空气还需要,比水还要重要,我会永远爱你。

55. 我会用真诚温暖你的内心,让你感受到浓浓的幸福和爱意。

56. 给你的爱情不会有理由,只有无尽的牵绊。

57. 我不会轻易放弃,即使遇到坎坷,我会与你一起度过。

58. 带着信心、带着良善,我们一起迈向美好未来。

59. 我的爱会比天长地久,爱你时我才真正感到有存在的价值。

60. 我愿意为你跨越一切困难,让你感受到晴天霹雳后的温暖拥抱。

61. 我会陪伴你在人生的路途中,永不背离,直到永远为止。

62. 你是我一生中最重要的人,我的同伴、知己、恋人,我一定会陪伴你走完人生。

63. 我会保持对你爱意的认真,哪怕有一天我们不能在一起。

64. 跟你手牵手一起走,就是我的所有幸福。

65. 我会用每一个日日夜夜,努力打造出跟你并肩走的人生。

66. 我会一直爱你,直到时间的尽头,我的爱比时间更长、更强、更深。

67. 那些三言两语难以表达的心意,我会用行动表现,告诉你有我在身边。

68. 我认为这个世界上只会有两个人的密切接触,我时时体会到另一个人的情感,我所想要的只是你。

69. 我会所有的努力,全部用来给你幸福的人生。




2、When I saw the rain, the wet sky, I thought of you, like a silent tree in the rain. I love you, I love you silently.





7、The title page of love is watered with sweetness; the sentiment of the soul is piled up with happiness; the emotional text is written with tenderness; the romantic space is created with warmth.

8、I can't guarantee forever, a lifetime, but I can guarantee that I will be good to you every day.

9、Hi, have you received my message? I wish you a happy day every day! It is my greatest wish to make you happy!







16、I love you without discussion. Blink your eyes, and I will die. Blink your eyes again, and I will come back to life. Your eyes keep blinking, so I will die!

17、I should have done something great in my last life, and I can only meet you in this life.

18、You are the wind that blows flowers in the spring, the star river hanging upside down in the summer night, the stars alternate, the seasons change, but my joy for you remains unchanged.






24、My dear, you are the center of my circle. Without you, I will always form a perfect closed curve.








32、I don't have time to participate in your past, and I won't miss your future again! In sincerity, I am acquainted with you; in consonance, I am with you day and night.

33、I like your hair, as dark and shiny as Dove chocolate, like the night sky. I like your eyes, as big as a prime minister's belly, and sparkling like a jelly, like stars. I like your lips, as tender and dripping as bean curd, more red as Fuji apples, just like the scorching sun. I like your character, as lively and bright as popping candy.



36、Use romantic petals to decorate life; use warm words to linger on life; use sweet smiles to stay happy together; use true confessions to tell true love: love you forever, never part!

37、Two people in a house, three meals a day, and you in four seasons, this is the best destination for love.




41、If the frog didn't turn into a prince, if the princess didn't wake up, if the little mermaid didn't turn into a bubble, would I still believe in love? Believe! Because you are by my side. In the vast sea of people, navigate by your name; in the desolate cold night, hold your name for warmth; in the long life, swim with your name.

42、Love is the yearning in the heart, the resonance of feeling, the collision of inspiration, the sparkle of electric light, the sweet nectar, and the intoxicating pure wine. Happy Valentine's Day to you!



I have only you in my eyes, you are the miracle in my life; I have only you in my heart, y~~可能此时也在寻找类似的句子,也许以下内容“情人节英文表白短信必备(69条)”合你胃口!相信能对大家有所帮助。

1、I always thought I was very strong. You only knew that you were hurt for love after you left. are you back? my love!

2、Your kind and loving way, the thoughtful things you do and say, every gentle smile, make my life worthwhile.

3、There is no greenery in the four seasons, and I have no vitality. Seeing you alone is like a long drought meets rain, and dead trees meet spring.

4、Everything's better whenever I know that you're there somewhere in my life. I Love You.

5、The plot is a beautiful day. I don't have an earth-shattering declaration of love, nor a rotten love promise. But, I want to tell you: I love you more than the last second! Happy Valentine's Day!

6、It is a small probability that two people meet each other, and it is the most beautiful thing for two people to fall in love. What you meet is God's will, and what you have is luck.

7、I hope that in the days to come, you will no longer have to say goodnight to me on your mobile phone, but will be able to fall asleep together in my arms.

8、I really hope to accompany you until old age, and let you be the treasure in my hand. Happy Valentine's Day!

9、Love is as clear as glass and as fragile as glass; the glass used to hold tea can be changed again, and the glass used to hold love, there is only one glass in a lifetime!



12、strong and happy person.我如此幸运能拥有你,你使我成

13、You are always on my mind, I miss you.

14、On Valentine's Day, I just want to say to you: I don't love you, it's impossible: I don't love you, it's unreasonable: I don't want you, it's worse than Dou E: I don't text you, yes To be struck by thunder.

15、Baby, as long as we keep each other in our heart, our love for each other will never apart. 只要我们将彼此放在心中,我们的爱就永 不分离

16、I love you without discussion. Blink your eyes, and I will die. Blink your eyes again, and I will come back to life. Your eyes keep blinking, so I will die!

17、You are wearing a purple-red cheongsam. From a distance, you look like a small butterfly flying by. You are beautiful and have soft colors.

18、When you see this short message, you have already fallen into a violent love poison. The only antidote is to marry me. Don't worry about it, let's get married!

19、Two people in a house, three meals a day, and you in four seasons, this is the best destination for love.

20、The love is true, the intention is earnest, and the lovesickness will rest when it is time to rest, and the people of Yueming lean on the building. Love lingering, thinking lingering, love will not stop until the water flows back.

21、I can't guarantee forever, a lifetime, but I can guarantee that I will be good to you every day.

22、More than anything in this world I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 和你共渡餘生,比任何一件事都重要!

23、Moonlight is like water, I am a fish, years are the old man fishing, and you are the bait.

24、 There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你

25、Let us try to be the luckiest couple on earth.

26、I walked across the world, but I didn't meet the right person until I walked across the cape, and I met you.

27、Years pass, fleeting years change secretly, and youth is getting farther and farther away from us. Accompanied by my infatuation, touch the label of love, and in your tenderness is my endless love.

28、The calculation formula of magnetic flux, the relative molecular mass of bile alum, the 51st element of the periodic table, the ratio of the distance from the center of gravity to the vertex and the distance from the center of gravity to the midpoint of the opposite side. It's all you.

29、I walk alone in the thousands of mountains and rivers, and I can drift anywhere in the world. Going through the world with one sword and one sword, where is the end of the world is the return journey.

30、Your eyes are so beautiful. There are sun and moon, winter and summer, sunshine and rain, mountains and rivers, flowers and plants, birds and beasts in them, but my eyes are more beautiful because you are in them.

31、You are in my thoughts every minute of the day, in my dreams every hour of the night.

32、Love is the support and companionship of sunny and rainy days; it is the support of each other who is complacent; it is the sharing of happiness and sorrow; love is the constant secret between us!

33、No matter the ends of the earth, no matter the spring, summer, autumn and winter, I will definitely take you by my side. No matter where I go, you will be the heaviest luggage in my life. After thinking about it, only you are the best for me. If you don't want me, who wants it?

34、There are some clouds in the sky and some breeze blowing on the ground. The breeze blows my hair, teach me how to miss you?

35、What never fades is my silent care for you, what never stops is my endless longing for you, what never changes is my deep love for you. Happy Valentine's Day!

36、Now you will think that I and you are two lines that do not intersect, but you never expected that at a certain point farther or farther, we will have a beautiful encounter.

37、I love you. Not only for what you are but also what you have made of me.我爱你不仅因為你是谁,还有你為我做的一切!


39、Ten hits up, a hundred good night, a thousand small talk and ten thousand nonsense are just for the one I would say in the wedding hall that day.

40、In one minute, I only think of you for one second, and in fifty seconds, I think about you.

41、When I miss you at night, I can't sleep for a long time, I really want to turn into a flying boat, reach your side, and roam in your heart.

42、Which sweet sentence is your favorite?

43、Fenghua refers to quicksand, and old age is a period of time. If I can't get it in this life, I can't protect it, then I would rather be alone for a hundred years!

44、If you need me,I am here for you ,I am by your side.

45、My heart is a tortuous stream, turning back and forth a thousand times, and going round and round, and eventually it will flow to you.

46、Before I met you, I didn't think about getting married. After I met you, I didn't think about anyone else.

47、I want to be your quilt to cover you; I want to be your pillow to bury you with tenderness; I want to be your towel that can hold your cheeks close every day...

48、What you don't know, in fact, your smile is as sweet as Haagen-Dazs, which makes me stare at you like a fool. You ask me why I like you, don't you really know, the dark me and the white you are together, just like milk and chocolate, as inevitable as brown bread and milk, we are a natural couple!

49、You are really a fuel-efficient lamp. I exhausted everything just to cheer you on.

50、I want to hold your hand on Valentines Day. Happy Valentines Day.我想在情人节紧握你的手。亲爱的,情人节快乐!

51、Love is the yearning in the heart, the resonance of feeling, the collision of inspiration, the sparkle of electric light, the sweet nectar, and the intoxicating pure wine. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

52、With the sun, the earth will turn, with the earth and the moon will it turn, with the moon and stars so brilliant, with you and my world is so rich and romantic.

53、I still remember the appearance when I first saw you, green and beautiful, like a swaying water lotus; I still remember that the moon with you was romantic and happy, like a galaxy with bright stars.

54、Send you a bunch of roses, thank you for your hard work for the family; give you a hug, thank you for your full love, make you a hot soup, I wish you health forever, accompany you forever, love forever .

55、Because of you, the world becomes beautiful; because of you, life has meaning; because of you, everything is sweet.

56、Baby,will you be my love?I will make you the happiest girl on earth.

57、This is my love, accept it, this is my heart, don't break it, this is my hand, hold it.

58、You are the wind that blows flowers in the spring, the star river hanging upside down in the summer night, the stars alternate, the seasons change, but my joy for you remains unchanged.

59、Along the way, I have drank strong wine, my eyes are red, my heart is ashes, and I am lonely. Until I meet you, the wind blows, the rain stops, and the fog dissipates.

60、Baby: I have a toothache recently, because I often miss you at night, it feels too sweet, and it will cause tooth decay.

61、The best relationship, there is never any right or wrong, you let me, I let you, because we all know that we are very lucky to meet, we can't cherish it, no matter what we quarrel, no matter what. The quarrel is turned upside down, but in the end, it will be reconciled.

62、I don't have time to participate in your past, and I won't miss your future again! In sincerity, I am acquainted with you; in consonance, I am with you day and night.

63、As long as I have you by my side, I am the happiest person in the world, regardless of whether I am rich or not.

64、How amazing is love, it can make me so intoxicated that I can't control myself! How happy it is to love him, he makes me insane and can't help myself!

65、I fell in love with you at first sight, and locked you without saying a word. Sansheng was fortunate to chase you. Four seasons fell in love with you every day, and I miss you every day. Darling, how can I live without you?

66、You are really good. It makes me feel so uncomfortable every time, but I still like you so much.

67、I finally discovered that there is abundant love in this world, and I cannot live up to it. So I want to say to you, I love you, please listen.

68、You are like a dawn in my life, illuminating me; are you willing to bring hope and strength to me?

69、I have only you in my eyes, you are the miracle in my life; I have only you in my heart, you are the only one I can't miss!


■ 深夜没有你的时候,我把你想成枕头;白天没有你的时候,我把你想成日头;有一天真的没有你的时候,我,只剩骷髅.这个情人节你可千万别让我变骷髅呀!
□ 叠一只纸船,载上我最深的思念与祝福,随着倾泻的月光,靠近在你窗台,停在你枕畔……愿你幸福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,情人节快乐!
■ 等你是一种考验,念你是一种习惯,疼你是一种珍惜,爱你是一种幸福,吻你是一种温柔,想你是一种快乐,看你是一种享受,抱你是一种浪漫!情人节快乐!
□ 情人节的花儿有无数,不是每朵花都能代表爱情,但玫瑰做到了;人海茫茫,不是每个人今天都能收到真诚的祝福,但你做到了。祝你情人节快乐!
■ 情人节了,切记巩固老情人,发展新情人,保护小情人,提防知情人,祝老情人不老,新情人不跑,小情人不少,知情人不扰!情人节快乐!
□ 情人节到,月老关照,红娘信息装红包;收到者甜蜜不少,幸福环绕,红鸾桃花当头照;工资猛涨,奖金提高,越早收到越有效。情人节快乐!
■ 距离越远我的爱越多,距离越远我的爱越浓。盼我们的情人节永远属于我们,愿我们的情人节永远快乐,愿我们情有所属。
□ 情人节又来到,短信把你关照。祝你今天事事好,出门就沾桃花运,美女把你来围绕,红鸾星把你照,天喜星对你笑,所有好事都来到。情人节快乐!
■ 据说最早的爱情诗是这样写的:你来自云南元谋,我来自北京周口,牵着你毛茸茸的小手,轻轻地咬上一小口,啊!是爱情让我们直立行走。
