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【#演讲稿# #英语发言稿6篇#】今天小编为大家带来一篇关于“英语发言稿”的文章,通过语言来表达内心最真实的思想和情感。从小就被教育要勇于发言,预先准备好演讲稿可以避免在演讲中情绪失控。更多相关信息请继续关注本网站!

英语发言稿 篇1


Dignified guests, Principal Xia, students, teachers, parents, ladies and gentlemen:

It is pleasure to be here today representing the Nova Scotia Department of Education on this auspicious occasion. Over the past number of years, your school has developed a strong connection with Nova Scotiaand has built a valuable and lasting partnership.

We are celebrating the first ever graduation of the Nova Scotia Pubilc School Program at Jilin No.1 High School. I know this is a tremendously important day for everyone gathered here but especially for the graduates and their families whose faith and support of this program have determined its success.

The advancement of this program can be attributed to the wonderful leadership of Principal Xia, the tremendous support provided by Linda and her team, as well as the exceptional teaching this school has to offer.

These ceremonies are filled with joy, relief and anticipation; but mostly they are filled with the pride that comes with accomplishment. I share your pride, because you are Nova Scotia high school graduates. Even though you are half a world away, you join thousands of students in Nova Scotia, who are also celebrating their graduation this month. That, in itself, is an amazing thing.

You are also sharing something precious with students in Nova Scotia-a quality education that will open many doors and provide you with many opportunities.

Your graduation day is a significant milestone in your educational journey. Today marks the end of one chapter in your life, but it is also the start of a new chapter that holds many exciting possibilities.

You are an exceptionally committed and tenacious group of students and you will be a valuable addition to any post-secondary institution

I am told that many of the graduates here today have chosen to study in Canada.Canadais extremely fortunate to have such an accomplished group of students joined our renowned educational institutions.I am confident you will enjoy your experience in Canada, and receive a superlative education that will prepare you well for the many career pathways available to you.

Your years of hard work and dedication are celebrated today, and I applaud you for your efforts and achievements.

Always aim high. Do not settle for what you know you can accomplish; challenge yourself to pursue the impossible and you will go further than you could ever imagine.

英语发言稿 篇2












英语发言稿 篇3












英语发言稿 篇4





在英语课堂上,大部分学生都能很活跃的回答老师提出的问题,积极跟着老师拼读单词,朗读课文。表现突出的同学有: 。这个学期上课有进步的同学是: 。但是仍然有部分学生没能认识到学好英语的重要性,上课喜欢讲小话,做小动作,部分学生不能按时完成家停作业。他们是: 。在这里,我希望这些家长能回家好好和孩子进行沟通,督促其上课认真听讲。一个星期,接触英语的时间,只有两节课,90分钟,期间让孩子说的时间又有多少?接触语数的时间一个星期又有多少?所以孩子英语学的怎么样,首先看他时间有没有充分利用够。 在学校中每个孩子的学习时间都差不多,但校外的时间长短则不同。希望各位家长能针对自己孩子的实际情况进行监督。







英语发言稿 篇5

hello,everybody. i'm xiao chen. i'm a eleven-year-old boy. today i want to talk about how to do our best in the english test.

first, we should remeber all the new words. it is the most important part of learning english. if we cannot do this well, we will not get a good mark in the english test.

second, we should remeber the compositions in the english book. there are lots of language point in them. so you can't do your best without know it well.

third, we can read some english books. we'll learn a lot of new words and something we cannot learn from the english book.

you can get a good mark if you do thing i said well. so just try your best!








as time passes by,we're going to say goodbye now.although it is the moment everybody doesn't want, but we have to face it.we've already stayed together for three whole years, and it must be the most unforgettable time in my life.first of all,thanks a lot for my teachers'help.i've improved a lot in every aspect.secondly,thanks for all of my dear classmates.you've provide me with happineand excitement whenever you're around me.i'll never forget you all!

during the whole three years' study,i've learned a great deal of knowledge.being with you,i understand the true meaning of friendship,happiness,and so on.it's the most precious treassure in the rest of my life.

as a student,i have my own plans.i'm going to a good high school,and i hope i can go to one of the key universities in china.i will also go abroad if possible.in a word ,whatever i do, i'll be beneficial to the development of our great motherland!


英语发言稿 篇6


Hi everyone,My name is xxx from china, i am horror to be here today and i am very happy to receive this award.

As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, the biggest challenge is english,I remembered that when i come here first time, there is a party in the house of my home stay. during the time, they played jokes and they laughed all the time, do you know how embarrassed that is, everyone laughed except you. so i pretend to understand the joke in another party, i saw everyone laugh and i laugh too in 5 seconds later. my home stay was surprised about that and asked me "do you understand?",and i answered "no","so why do you laugh?" "because i do not want to be embarrassed"!

But as i receive this award today, i want to thank to them, because they encourage me to be involved with the committee rar than staying in at home, play computer and speak chinese.

when i came to wantirna college first time, i met liz collar who is international student coordinator. she is very kind to me, and she encourage me join src, i went to src meetings regularly all the time, but i didn’t even know what src was! that is the reason why i told her, i don’t want to go to src anymore. but she said "why not? you should go and you have to go!"i asked" why?" she said:" because i said so!"

But as ii receive this award today, i want to thank her. she helps me a lot.

Truth be told, i am not the best student in wantirna college, but i appreciate this award and i will try my best in future.

I think i got 10 seconds left, i want to thank to les and vera who is my lovely home stay, thanks to liz collar who is international student coordinator, i strongly want to thank to my mother, because she support me and gave me the opportunity to come to australia. and thanks to wantinran college, thanks to australia and finally, thanks to everyone to be here tonight.

Have a great night.
