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我是 号选手,来自团市委机关的。今天我演讲的题目是《文明从微笑开始》。








今天我演讲的题目是:用文明行为奏响和谐之歌" stressing civilization, establish new trends speech" start of text > > the topic of my speech today is: civilized behavior played the song of harmony“和谐”是我国传统文化中具有代表性的观念,是事物存在的形态,是一切美好事物的共同特点。

建设和谐校园,就是建设一个充满活丽的文明美丽校园。" harmony" is the chinese traditional culture has the representative idea, there are things in the best shape, is all the mon characteristics of the good things. to create a harmonious campus is to build a civilized beautiful vibrant campus.

作为一个成长在礼仪状态下的大学生,文明行为是我们学习和生活的基础,这就保证了文明校园的建立。as a growth in a state of ceremonies of the college students, civilized behavior is our life and study foundation, to create a civilized campus guarantee.首先,优美的环境是创建和谐校园的基础。

first of all, beautiful environment is the foundation of establishing harmonious campus.试想,如果一走进我们的学校大门就看见的是满地乱飞的纸片和塑料袋,草坪上是一道道走出的小路,耳朵里是不堪入耳的粗话,你的心情会好吗?你会有认真学习的心情吗?



just imagine, if walk into our school gate is seen everywhere flying pieces of ***** and plastic bags, the lawn is a path out of the path, the ear is intolerable to the ear of foul language, you will feel good? you will have to seriously study the mood? the answer is no..

students: we are the twenty-first century masters," environmental consciousness" is an important symbol of modern people. we should establish a" era of responsibility", with global, focus on the side.

there is an old saying " do not not good for **all, not to **all to do this evil" begin from me, starts from the minor matter, starts from the side, start from now. only a clean and beautiful campus to make our quiet life and learning.第二,和谐的人际关系是创建和谐校园的必要条件。




良好的心态,宽容与他人,用一颗真诚的心去交换另一颗真诚的心。学生之间相处融洽,构建和谐的人际关系。in second, the harmonious interpersonal relationship is the necessary condition of establishing harmonious campus.

building a harmonious campus we should first establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, teachers, preachers" impart knowledge and solve doubts also." " green garden kwai, dew to be rixi, spring budwiser, all brilliant." we like foliage green seedlings in the cultivation of teachers, under grow sturdily.

the teacher gave us knowledge, taught us the truth in life. we should cherish the teacher's pay, respect for the teacher's labor, mutual respect and love. the teachers and students love each other, thus to create a harmonious learning atmosphere.

building a harmonious campus need to establish harmonious relationship between the students. care to help the clas**ates, let them feel the warmth of the harmonious campus. maintain a good attitude, treat people with tolerance, with a sincere heart to another heart.

friendly coexistence between the students, so as to create a harmonious interpersonal relationship.第三,诚信,文明的作风是创建文明校园的有利保证。我们的校训提到“守诚”,公民道德实施纲要也提到“明理诚信”,足以见得诚信的重要性。


third, integrity, civilized style is creating civilized campus advantageous guarantee. our school motto referred to " shou cheng," citizen morality is also referred to as "the implementation outline of reasonable integrity", showing the importance of honesty. mutual trust between students, frank, to tell the truth, do real thing.

examination and resolutely put an end to fraud, with honesty and strength to their teachers and give in a satisfactory exam *****. style strict, civilized, and thus create a harmonious campus culture.最后,良好的学风,校风会使我们的校园生活更加美好。


finally, a good style of study, school spirit will make our school life better.

a good school spirit such as salutary influence of education, make no reply attracted every student to advance courageously. we should advocate a vigorous style of the team, a stand on solid ground of the spirit of learning, will study the construction of targeting" ideal, unity, self-reliance, timber". a unity ahead of the class and hard work assiduously to promote the study of individuals in a good environment to grow up.

学生作为文明的学生,要创建和谐校园,就需要我们共同努力。无论前方道路多么坎坷,我们依然乘风破浪,共同走向未来,把握生活的每一天,谱写和谐校园的新篇章。students, as a student of civilization, creating a harmonious campus, needs everybody joint effort.

any how bumpy the road ahead, we continue to ride the wind and waves, the future together, hold life every day, and write a new chapter for the harmonious campus.用我们的智慧和勇气扬起理想的风帆,用我们的青春和生命奏响时代的强音。当我们抛开迷茫,把握航向。

当我们共同努力,不懈地摇桨,和谐校园的乐章终将奏响。we use the wisdom and courage to raise the ideal sail, with our youth and life played a strong note of the times. when we abandoned confused, grasp the course.

when we work together tirelessly yaojiang, harmonious campus, the movement eventually played.尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们:  大家好!

 respect fellow leaders, teachers, schoolmates: hello!我叫***。

我很高兴参加今天学校组织的演讲。  my name is ***. i am glad to attend the speech activity ***anized by our school.

我认为文明是一种坚持的好习惯。我们作为小学生有责任把文明传递,严格要求自己从小事做起,从点滴做起,用自己的实际行动去带动我们身边的人,使  i think that civilization is a good habit to. we as students have the responsibility to the tran**ission of civilization, the strict demands on themselves to start from the trivial, from the start bit by bit, with their own practical action to drive the people around us, so that我们的社会更加文明,使我们的"家园"更加美丽。


”  our society more civilized, so that our" home" more beautiful. in fact civilization from us very close, close at your fingertips - civilization is sometimes just a gesture, s

ometimes just a **ile. as an advertisement said: a little boy is flying a kite, but the kite is hanging from the branches, only on a park bench in order to get him to not make dirty, chair, take out a piece of white ***** pad on top, then to white took the kite, it deeply i was touched, from which i realized" civilization, sometimes is the thickness of a sheet of *****.



在学校,我们的学生不应该说脏话,不应该打架如果你这样做,那是一个文明的人;如果我们这样做了,那就是一个文明的团体;如果整个国家都这样做了,那就是一个文明的国家。i believe you, believe that we will hear the voice of civilization; in life will release your enthusia** civilization! you may ask what is civilization?

it is very difficult to do? i will answer you: not, do civilization that is also difficult, it's ****** really.

sometimes a waiting, for others it is a love, is actually an expression of civilization. at school, we students should not speak, should not fight ... ...

if you do, it is a polite person; if we do, that is a civilized group; if the country does, that is a civilized ,大家好!2, everybody is good!我今天讲话的主题是:

播撒现代文明构建和谐社会i want to focus on today is: spread of modern civilization and the harmonious society中国是一个有着五千年历史的文明古国,中华民族素来是一个温文尔雅,落落大方,见义勇为,谦恭礼让的文明礼仪之邦。华夏儿女的举手投足、音容笑貌,无不体现一个人的气质与素养。

荀子云:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。” 文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。

china is a big country with a long history of ancient civilization, the chinese nation has always been a refined and cultured, be liberal and dignified, do boldly what is righteous, humility ity civilization is a state of ceremonies. china children's behavior, one's voice and expression, all reflect a person's temperament and acplishment. xunzi says:

" not to learn a gift not to legislate, people are not rude health, things are not rude, states are not rude ning." civilized manners is that we learn, the roots of life, is the healthy growth of our arms.我国教育家陶行知先生有一句名言:


真人。”说的就是教师首先要教育学生要做一个真诚的人,而学生的学习也应该首先学做人,学做文明之人,学做社会中人,只有这样,我们才能真正做到“爱国守法,明礼诚信,团结友善,勤俭自强,敬业奉献”。our country educationist mr.

tao xingzhi has a famous saying:" a thousand million people teach teach the truth, thousands of wan xuexue to be a real man." that is the teacher must first educate students to do a sincere person, and students should first learn, learn to do civilized people, learn to do the people in a society, only in this way, can we truly achieve" patriotic and law-abiding, ming li integrity, unity and friendly, diligence and self-improvement, professional dedication".



“野外应该是一片净土,但令人惊讶的是,这么漂亮的地方却有很多垃圾。”however, in real life, we are sorry to find, in corporeal civilization highly developed today, our country citizen's quality of civilization has experienced some problems. xinhua news agency on october 7th of a news report:

" eleven" golden week of the very next day, xinjiang urumqi city nanshan scenic spots appear more than 80 south korean tourists collective garbage scenes, including a number of children. these guests from afar in the tour on his way to see scenic garbage everywhere, he ***anized spontaneously to clean the rubbish, just 20 minutes, around 1 km of garbage is cleaned neatly. on the drive to 5 full of garbage box sent to garbage station, south korean tourists to keep playing.

participate in collective garbage korean tourists liu rengui said:" the field should be a piece of pure land, but surprisingly, such a beautiful place. but there are a lot of garbage.



得淋漓尽致。foreigners e to us to pick up the trash thing is not the first time: in our city street, garden area and the great wall, are left to pick up trash alien figure.

they or one or several or even dozens of people, for our environmental protection acts as a" volunteer". and our people throw garbage, but became a natural, even to tour with bad habits, also walk. shortly before the hongkong disney theme park opened, in the first day, mainland tourists in the park's non **oking **oking act recklessly and care for nobody, seat, random, casual spitting lying in a variety of abusive to disney park, leaving a note of discord.

for example, chinese tourists to travel abroad, loud noise, do not line up, does not ply with the public order, without good health habits in china have bee inured to the unusual habits, in foreign background contrast is more important to most incisive under.作为中国人,我们在对外宾捡垃圾的行为表达敬意的同时,也更应该为自己的行为感到惭愧。中国有让我们引以为骄傲的秀丽风光,更有“礼仪之邦”的美称。

然而秀丽风光今天仍在,美好礼仪却被一些国人丢得差不多了。as a chinese, we in the foreign garbage behavior expression of respect at the same time, also should be ashamed of his behaviour. china has made us proud of the scenery, more" a state of ceremonies" laudatory name.

however, the beautiful scenery of today still in good manners, but some people almost lost.再来看看我们的孩子们吧。在优越的物质生活条件下成长起来的独生子女的文明礼仪中,也有许多不文明的言行:


文明礼仪时刻提醒我们周围还有别人的存在,我们的行为会相互影响,人与人之间应该建立一种现代化的文明和谐的人际关系!***e to have a look of our children. in the superior material life conditions for the growth of only child in civilization etiquette, there are also many uncivilized behavior:

in the family, elders heavy intelligence learning in light of moral education, that the child must learn good, ignore the child the civilized etiquette education, led to their family. selfish,

self centered, do not municate with their parents, do not understand the parents hard, do not cherish parents money, not sharing family labor, a taste for unknown dedication; in school, do not follow the teacher 's teachings, saying some fashionable language, wearing strange clothes, wears fashionable hairstyle; do not know to learn seriously, in the campus of loud noise, littering. these actions directly affect the students healthy growth, also affects the image of the school. confucius cloud" has not desire, do".

the civilized etiquette to remind us of others around there, our actions will affect each other, between people and people should establish a modern civilized and harmonious interpersonal relationship!其实,要想成为一名“讲文明,树新风”的时代青年并不是一件很困难的事情。只要从身边小事做起,就能养成好习惯。

in fact, if you want to bee a" stressing civilization, establish new trends" youth is not a very difficult thing. as long as we start from the side, from the little things, can form a good habit.还记得**电视台的一个公益广告吗?

一个晨练的青年,一边跑步锻炼身体,一边帮孩子拿下了不小心扔到了树上的篮球,还把路边的垃圾扔到了垃圾箱,还还帮助一位费力上坡的三轮车老人推车,早晨跑了一路,好事做了一路,快乐了别人也满意了自己。remember one of cctv's advertising? a morning exercise in young, while running for exercise, while helping the child had a carelessly thrown into a tree of basketball, also put the rubbish into the rubbish box, but also help a strenuous uphill tricycles elderly cart, morning ran all the way, good to do a road, happy others are satisfied with their.


她就是潘娜威,营口的一个中学生,是她以自己真诚的环保行为为辽宁争得了惟一的“十杰”称号。also, on october 25th, by units ***anized the first " ten chinese folk environmental protection outstanding character" selection result is announced. elected in a special girl.

said her "special" because she was elected the youngest one, only 15 years old this year; that her "special" because she is one of only two fing

ers girl; that she is special because she used only two little fingers, from age 10 to age 15 5 years, the use of spare time to pick up more than 6000 pieces of waste battery. she is pan nawei, a middle school student in yingkou, is her own sincere behavior of environmental protection for liaoning to win the only " study" the title of.还有美国汽车公司的巨头——福特公司,它的总裁福特大学毕业后,去一家汽车公司应聘。





你的眼睛不仅能看到细小的东西,而且你的文明行为也给我们留下了深刻的印象。”福特就这样进了这家公司,并成为了总裁,而且使美国汽车产业在世界占居鳌头。there are american automobile ***pany -- ford pany, its president ford after the university graduates, go to a car pany.

together with him for three or four individuals of high academic qualifications than he, some people after the interview, he feels no hope. but take things as they e. he knocked into the office of the chairman, entering the room, he found a piece of *****, he stooped to pick it up, and he threw it into the waste***** basket.

then e to the president 's desk, said:" i am ing for ford." the chairman said:

" very good, very good! mr. ford, you have been our hired.

" ford said:" i think the president, before a few are better than me, why do you take me for the job?" the chairman said:

" mr. ford, the first three indeed degree higher than you, and noble and dignified, but their eyes can only " see " events, we don't see the little things. your eyes only see things, and your civilization behavior left a deep impression on us.

" ford just enter the pany, and became president, and the american automobile industry in the world occupy the top.所以,同学们清除陋习需要我们要从小事做起,从身边做起。讲文明的语言,做文明的学生,平时不说粗话、脏话;遵守学校规章制度,不跋涉、早退、不打架、不吐痰、不吐口香糖、不乱扔垃圾;仪表整洁大方,在校期间不化浓妆、不配戴首饰、不穿奇装异服;尊敬师长,见了老师主动问好;团结同学,互帮互助;爱护花草树木和公共设施,不在桌椅上乱涂乱画;不进网吧,倡导文明上网、科学上网;不看不健康的书籍和录像;节俭的生活不过是吃穿,也不过是浪费食物。


。therefore, the students need to clear. we must start from the minor matter, starts from the side.

civilized language, act as the civilized student, usually do not speak the vulgar language, language; obey the school rules, not absent, do not be late, do not fight, do not spit, spit out the chewing gum, do not throw garbage; neat appearance generous, in school period of heavy makeup, do not wear jewelry, do not wear outlandish costume; respect for teachers, see the teacher hello; students of solidarity, mutual aid; take good care of trees and flowers, public facilities, not in the tables and chairs graffiti; not into inter*** cafes, advocate civilized, science online; don't read bad books and videos; a frugal life, than the food and clothing, not to waste food. in respect for elders, filial piety the parents, to appreciate their parents work hard, thrifty.社会的全面进步不仅体现在物质的充足、技术的先进上,更需要陶冶完美的精神、高尚的人格。

促进全社会成员健康人格的构建,需要重建礼仪,让人们心灵相通,友好相处,在和谐的社会生活中获得精神上的愉悦、心灵上的满足。这就需要我们在弘扬中华民族优秀的传统礼仪基础上,重建新的、体现时代要求的文明礼仪,让中国在成为经济强国的同时,也成为新世纪的“礼仪之邦”!the overall progress of the society is reflected not only in the material sufficiency, advanced technology, more need to cultivate perfect spirit, noble personality.

promote the construction of healthy personality of all the social members, need to reconstruct etiquette, make people heart, friendly, the harmonious social life in the spirit of joy, spiritual satisfaction. this needs us to carry forward the excellent chinese traditional etiquette basis, to rebuild the new requirements of the times, embodying civilized etiquette, let china bee economic powerful nation at the same time, also bee new century" a state of ceremonies"!同学们,让我们全校上下,携起手来,让文明礼仪之花开满校园的每个角落,为把我校建设成为一流的现代化名校而不懈努力吧!

students, let us all up and down, join hands, let the civilized etiquette flowers to every corner of the campus, in order to put my school construction to bee a first-class modern schools and make unremitting efforts!


















































