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趣祝福文案“圣诞的钟声声声响起,祝福的心如跳动的烛光融化每点落在你身上的雪。”圣诞节早已经成为西方以及其他很多地区的公共假日,除了送上祝福,圣诞祝福语也必不可少,你在寻找有关圣诞的祝福句子吗?以下是由栏目小编为大家整理的“圣诞节快乐的英文贺卡祝福文案”, 希望你能从中找到有用的内容!


2、wish the world is full of peace, with the most sincere heart bless you have a happy year, may the Lord bless you, amen.

3、Because of love,life becomes happiness. Because of you,this Christmas is happy.


5、On Christmas Eve,please give me the opportunity to share with you,can a small request meet me?

6、Christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking - love will do.

7、Hi, Dad. Merry Christmas!


9、Such a long distance, no gifts, no dinner, only I care about your heart and the most sincere blessing: Merry Christmas!



12、Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.

13、Thinking of you and wishing you a beautiful Christmas season.

14、Bring you, Christmas Eve, carnival night, have you just wonderful.


16、想你时候才感觉寂寞。今个圣诞节我会最最寂寞。一个人时不寂寞。Miss you when I feel lonely. This Christmas I most lonely. A person is not lonely.

17、天上一颗星,地上一个人。你窗前的那颗星,就是我的身影,它平安夜伴你到天明。A star in the sky, a person on the ground. The star that holds your window, that is, I figure, it's Christmas Eve with you until morning.

18、随着平安夜的到来,向你说一声:永远平安。让这祥和的旋律,伴你和家人一生平安。With the arrival of Christmas Eve, have a chance to say to you: peace forever. Let this auspicious melody, peace with you and your family life.

19、愿圣诞之光普照你的每一个日子,愿阳光鲜花洒满你的人生旅程!May the Christmas light shines on you every day, may the sun flower asperses full your life journey!


21、Youre on my eye! Please add more clothes in this cold day! Heres to you: Merry Christmas!

22、Christmas happy Christmas,Christmas gifts today. Wish you Merry Christmas and happy family reunion and good luck.

23、Merry Christmas and happy New Year.

24、圣诞节快乐的英文:Merry Christmas

25、wish I send to you the blessing of your most fresh and moving, wish you a merry Christmas a happy New Year!

26、Streets, everywhere filled with the smell of Christmas, my deeply bless for you, also falls in it. Have noticed?

27、When I think of you the miles between us disappear. 当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。


29、wish for a truly merry Christmas and may the joy of Christmas linger in your heart all the year!
