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大学英语演讲稿 篇1

depending on my personal experience and emotional preference, i find that self-study is an extremely important skill for those who want to learn new reasons are as following.

first, self-study is an effective way to broaden our horizon and extend our can arrange our time and adjust our process flexibly according to our own concrete situation. for example, as college students, we can use some of our leisure time everyday to learn other subjects by self-study in addition to our major knowledge. at the same time, we also can extend our major knowledge by self-study of other subjects.

second, self-study is a process to develop our ability of thinking and management. self-study is a process that we gain knowledge or skills by our personal effort without others’ instruments. therefore, in this process, we need to make choices by ourselves, arrange and control time and process by ourselves, think about all kinds of questions by ourselves and find out the solution about different problems by ourselves.

in brief, self-study is all about us basically.

finally, self-study is a method to keep learning. as the saying goes, “it is never too old to learn.” and our school life will ***e to an end some day and only through self-study can we keep ourselves learning all the time.

thus, all of us need to form the habit of self-study so that we can make a progress everyday.

in a word, self-study is essential and necessary. keep studying something new everyday and you will find yourself improving a lot some day.













大学英语演讲稿:the ***ing of the world cup


大学英语演讲稿:the future is now-the choice is yours









大学英语演讲稿 篇2

an impressive movie

boys and girls, good afternoon! because i like watching movies very much, i will talk about a movie impressed me most with you. the movie is stardust.

the boy, tristan thorn, lived with his father when he was born. they lived in a village called wall. there’s a wall that’s between human world and magical word.

in fact, tristan’s mother was a princess in the magical world. it’s a little mysterious for his parents to have a son. the mysterious things impressed me.

however, what impressed me most were the adventures that tristan took. he wanted to win the heart of a girl who was in the village. so he came to the magic world to find a star that fell from the sky.

in the magic world, the star was a beautiful girl who loved tristan so deeply. after going through so many difficulties with the star, tristan found that he loved the star but not the girl in the village. and tristan became a man finally.

what i learnt form the movie was that we should have courage when we met difficulties, just like tristan.

in a word, it’s an impressive story about love, adventure, and magic. after watching the movie, you will be moved by it too.

that’s all. thank you!

your attitude determines how high you fly

good afternoon, everyone! i’m glad to stand here for my speech. today i want to say that your attitude determines how high you fly.

i want to share a story with you about this topic. as most of you know, i attended college entrance exams twice.

i couldn’t sleep whole night before the exam. the result of the exam, you can image, was very bad. could you fly with an indifferent and negative attitude to life?


in 2011, after my failure, i learnt that i should live a different life with a different attitude. so i wasn’t indifferent to all anymore. to be more relaxed, i became more and more enthusiastic to others.

i could **ile and laugh again. live a happy life with a positive attitude. after the examination in 2011,i was admitted into c**u.

i flew from suizhou to wuhan. i thought i made it.

i believe that i will fly higher in the future because of the positive attitude to life. what i want to tell you via this story is that your attitude determines how high you fly. that’s all.

thank you!

iq and eq

good afternoon, everyone. today my topic is iq and eq. first of all, please allow me to tell you a story.

according to the encyclopedi**, iq is the abbreviation of intelligence quotient, standing for intelligence quotient. it’s an ability to use knowledge to solve practical problems. it’s not only

as for the relation of iq and eq, i think they are so closed that they can’t be separated. can you say that the bride and the bridegroom have high eq and low iq? no!

can you say that the elites have high iq and low eq? no! so, they go together and go interaction.

that’s all .thank you!篇二:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇

my chinese dream


i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland




so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce.

we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we had a basic concept to our country at that time. we know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland.







are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick?



i dont want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and

also speak impassioned speech on the diaoyu island event .i just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.we must learn to ***anize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life.

china dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals.

大学英语演讲稿 篇3



理解倾听与批判性思维的关系,介绍几种不同的倾听方式,例如:“欣赏性倾听”(appreciative listening)、“同情性倾听”(empathic listening)、“理解性倾听”(***prehensive listening)、和“批判性倾听”(critical listening)。

了解在演讲的准备阶段如何选题和立意,如何分析听众的特点,如何收集资料和如何规范地使用所收集到的论据来说明自己的想法。诸如在选题时如何确定演讲的“总目的”(general purpose),“具体目的”(specific purpose),和“中心思想”(central idea)。演讲中使用论据可分为:


本文介绍了英语语音的写作方法和规范。组织演讲稿正文常用的构想方法主要有:“时间顺序法”(chronological order),“空间顺序法”(spatial order),“因果顺序法”(causal order),“话题顺序法”(topical order)和“问题与解决方案顺序法”(problem-solution order)。

根据英语“形合性”的特点,英语文本中上下文之间的关系经常要通过连接词来表达,这与中文“意会性”特点极不相同。因此,连接词正确而恰当的使用可使英文演讲稿逻辑清晰,结构紧凑。连接词语主要包括“过度”(transitions)、“段落预展”(internal previews)、“段落总结”(summaries)和“指向标”(signpost)等。

如何写演讲稿的开头与结尾。演讲稿的开头一般由四部分构成,1. 引起注意力和兴趣(get attention and interest);2.

揭示话题(reveal the topic);3. 建立可信度和亲善感(establish credibility and good will);4. 预展正文的主要内容(preview the body of the speech)。

演讲稿的结尾则一般由两部分组成:1. 示意收尾(signal the ending);2.

强化中心思想(reinforce the central idea)。

如何整理和准备演讲的“文稿提纲”(preparation outline)和“讲稿提纲”(speaking outline)。“文稿提纲”是用提纲的形式写成的演讲稿全文,而“讲稿提纲”则只包括演讲稿的要点。

演讲的几种主要形式,即:“照稿宣读”(reading from manuscript),“全文背诵”(reciting from memory),“即兴演讲”(speaking impromptu)和“半即兴演讲”(speaking extemporaneously)。

演讲中的三“yan”要领,即:“演”(artistic performance)、“眼”(eye contact)、“掩”(disguise imperfection)。“演”就是要通过演讲者的声音(vocal variety)及其在台上的面部表情(facial expression)和肢体语言(hand gestures and body language)更生动、到位地展示、传达情感和内容,调动听众的情绪,展示风采与个性,引起共鸣。


演讲的主要体裁,包括“解说性演讲”(informative speeches)、“说服性演讲”(persuasive speeches)、以及“特殊场合演讲”(speeches for special occasions)。在“特殊场合演讲”中,还将讨论“介绍性演讲”(speeches of introduction)、“颁奖性演讲”(speeches of presentation)、“受奖者致辞”(speeches of acceptance)、“纪念性演讲”(***memorative speeches)和“社交性演讲”(after-dinner speeches)。








6、 教具准备:电脑、投影、显示屏、麦克风、音频等。


practice topic: an interesting thing in my childhood. (english speaking with chinese retelling)



1. significance of english learning,

2. how to be a good speaker:

o attract the interests and attention

o main point

o go to the body

o conclude

o thank for listening

2.specific knowledge point:

my dear/fellow clas**ates and dear mr. lai

herd the cattle/ walk the dog

good evening, sir or madam!

eye-contact, body-language(match with the concept)

try to hide the mistakes

3. practice topic: an interesting thing in my childhood.

outline of the speech the china’s dream and my dream

1. greeting

2. self-introduction

3. review the topic: the ***prehension of the topic

4. body(causal order):

1. the experience in the uk: i notice the differences of the undergraduate students between the two countries.

2. my wish: i want to challenge them and be***e stronger in all aspects especially in the innovation ability.

3. the china’s dream: have the prosperity of the nation through innovating.

大学英语演讲稿 篇4








这并不是一种很浪漫的生活。我不住在宿舍,睡在朋友宿舍的地板上;收集空的可乐瓶,把每一瓶换回5美分的押金让我买食物。每周日晚上,我会穿过波特兰市区,走七英里去hare krishna神庙去吃顿好的(译注:



当时,里德学院的书法课程可能是美国最好的。由于已经退学,用不着去上常规课,我就参加了一门书法课,去学写字。我学习serif字体和san serif字体,学习不同字母组合中间隙空间的变化,学习怎么让好看的字体在应用中变得更好看。




大学英语演讲稿 篇5




professor david greenaway, vice-chancellor of the university of nottingham,

faculty members and students,

ladies and gentlemen,


i am delighted to be on my first visit to the city of nottingham and your picturesque university, which lives up to its reputation as one of the most beautiful campuses in the uk.


the recent film robin hood has been a big hit with audiences both in china and here in the uk. the story as i am sure you know, is about a man who robbed from the rich to give to the poor, while living in sherwood forest on the outskirts of nottingham. but it has been as much about the stunning natural beauty and rich british culture depicted in the film, which has fascinated a lot of chinese viewers.

i believe this is great news for you, as nottingham should expect to receive more visitors from china, and university of nottingham will be home to more chinese students.

诺丁汉大学创建于1881年,是英国十大高等学府之一。2010年,诺丁汉大学同时培养了两位诺贝尔奖获得者,这在一段时间内是个好故事。诺丁汉大学的校训是“城市建于智慧”(a city is built on wisdom.

)。的确,一流大学是优秀城市的坚强后盾,既是经济增长的引擎,也是城市的智囊团。这不由得使我想起正在举办的上海世博会的主题—— 城市让生活更美好(better city, better life.


founded in 1881, the university of nottingham is amongst the top 10 institutions of higher learning in the uk. people won't f***et that in 201x alone, two nobel prize winners were nottingham graduates.

诺丁汉大学不仅以其博大精深的学术研究而闻名,更以其国际化,特别是与中国的紧密联系与合作而闻名。目前诺丁汉大学本部的中国学生超过 1300名;创建于201x年的诺丁汉大学中国校区,即宁波诺丁汉大学是中国第一家引进世界优质高教资源的中外合作大学;诺丁汉大学的当代中国研究中心在欧洲处于领先水平;诺丁汉大学与复旦大学合办的孔子学院持续发展。我知道你们都担心我忘了最重要的一个,那就是你们中国的名誉主席杨福家教授。

apart from its intellectual excellence, the university of nottingham is also famous in china for its close ties and cooperation with my country. over 1,300 chinese students currently studying at its uk campuses. even more importantly, with the setting up of the ningbo campus in 201x, nottingham became the first foreign university to establish an independent campus in china.

there are other factors as well. the school of contemporary chinese studies is a leading institution of china studies in britain. the confucius institute jointly run by the university of nottingham and fudan university has been doing well.

all this has been achieved through the hard work of many, not least your chancellor – professor yang fujia.



i have been asked to talk about china's role in the world economy today, a topic that would be unimaginable 30 years ago. but china is now an integral part of the world economy:






firstly, china has be***e an important driver for the world economy and trade. over the 32 years of reform and opening-up, china's gdp has grown from 260 billion us dollars in 1978 to 4.9 trillion, an average annual growth rate of about 10%.

and as its gdp grows, so china's contribution to the world economy also increases. in 1978, china contributed 0.1 percentage point or 2.

3% to global economic growth, but by 201x, these figures had jumped to 0.7 percentage point and 19.2%, ****** china the biggest contributor among all countries.

in 201x and 201x when many developed countries slid into recession, china continued to grow at 9% and 8.7% respectively, contributing still more to the world economy. and as world bank vice president justin yifu lin has estimated, the global economy will grow by 2.

7% this year and 30% of that growth will ***e from china if it sustains an 8% growth rate.

在全球化背景下,国际**是全球经济增长的助推器。1978年,中国进出口**总额为206亿美元,占世界**比重仅为 0.8%;201x年,中国对外**额达到2.


2 万亿美元,但在世界**总额中的比重,却由201x年的7.9%提高到9%,成为世界第一大出口国和第二大进口国,对外**总量居世界第二。世贸组织发布的《201x年世界**报告》认为,中国正成为全球**增长的引擎。

in 1978, china's trade was 20.6 billion us dollars or 0.8% of the world's total, these figures had grown in 201x to 2.

56 trillion and 7.9%. however, as a result of the financial crisis, china's trade dropped to 2.

2 trillion us dollars in 201x, although accounting for 9% of that year's world total, ****** china the world's largest exporter and second largest importer. according to the world trade report 201x by the world trade ***anisation (wto), china is be***ing the engine driving trade growth globally.



大学英语演讲稿 篇6



【演讲稿 】

honorable judges, fellow students:

recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.

as college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. i believe in all my fellow classmates. though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. i believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. we are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. i believe in our future.

thank you!








大学英语演讲稿 篇7

president knapp, dean brown, distinguished faculty, students, and guests,


thank you for hosting me here today. it is a privilege to be with you to talk about the challenges before us in the world – and how the world bank group is working to be***e as effective as possible in improving the lives of the poor and vulnerable.


when we look across the world today and think about the most pressing issues, the ongoing fiscal uncertainty in the united states greatly concerns us. our hope is that policymakers resolve these issues soon. this uncertainty, ***bined with other sources of volatility in the global economy, could do great damage to emerging markets and developing countries in africa, asia, and latin america that have lifted millions of people out of poverty in recent years.


we also can’t help but focus on the upheaval that is taking place in the middle east. syria is now in its 30th month of war and the toll has been horrific. more than 100,000 people have been killed, 4 million people have been displaced and another 2 million syrians have fled and be***e refugees in neighboring countries, adding great burdens to jordan and lebanon in particular.

the fighting continues within syria, and the impact of broken lives and broken economies only grows by the day.



we should not avert our gaze from the middle east. the world bank group has been playing several roles. at times, we are in the backrooms with diplomats and at others we are on the frontlines with humanitarian aid workers.

always, we are working with governments, or ***panies, or civil society groups to help build strong and sustainable foundations for development. this supports the livelihoods of millions of people in the middle east, and billions more around the world, who aspire to good jobs, a good education, and access to quality health care.



a critical part of our work is in countries emerging from conflict, affected by conflict, or stuck in a persistent state of fragility. as we know all too well, when a country remains in a long state of fragility, conflict often erupts. the world bank group and the wider global ***munity need to confront the ***plex institutional and social challenges in these fragile states, because the cost of inaction is high and the reward of well-designed interventions is great.

when we have the opportunity to build institutions, infrastructure, and human capacity in fragile states, or when we can put together a deal that brings in desperately needed private sector investment, we must seize it. when we fail to help countries develop in a way that is inclusive or fail to help countries build strong governance, we are all affected by the result, which is often a country engulfed in flames, as is syria today.



drivers of conflict


in the middle east, most of the countries experienced relatively strong growth of 4 to 5 percent a year in the decade before the arab spring. yet serious problems were lurking below the su***ce. an increasingly educated young middle class was frustrated that the few available jobs were reserved for those with more connections than talent.

the private sector operated by earning privileges from the state, leading to a form of crony capitali** that only helped a few, and undermined exports and jobs.

在中东,多数国家在阿拉伯之春到来之前的2019年都经历了4%或5%的强劲增长。然而,在表面之下存在着严重的问题。年轻的中产阶级越来越受教育。 使他们感到沮丧的是,稀缺的就业机会留给有联系而不是才干的人。


the inequities – and the anger – filtered even to the very young. when a million people poured into tahrir square in cairo in 2019 to protest their government, the children of the protesters held protests of their own in classrooms. they demanded better instruction.

this is what happens when prosperity is reserved for a select few. all of those left out feel deeply, the burn of inequity.



the ongoing crises have left many middle eastern countries with a triple challenge. first is restoring macroeconomic stability; second is reforming their economies to meet the high expectations of the people who marched in the streets; and third is managing the transition to new constitutions and more open, contested, multiparty elections. these challenges would be daunting for any single country.

but they have all ***e together in one region. that makes it all the more important for the international ***munity to marshal its resources to support those brave women and men who risked their lives to demand the basic human dignity that is their due.

大学英语演讲稿 篇8

想必大家一定都还记得Randy Pausch那篇曾经感动过无数人的《真正实现你的童年梦想》的演讲吧。我这里推荐的是他2008年5月19号(大约在他去世前的两多月),在其母校卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼上的演讲。这篇演讲只有6分钟左右,而且风格和之前的那篇很不同。在这篇演讲里,他少了些幽默,却多了些真诚的忠告。相信大家看后一定会受益匪浅。

最后,谨以此文献给Randy Pausch。

September 18, 2007

兰迪·波许在卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼上的演讲 中英文对照

I am glad to be here today, Hell, I am glad to be anywhere today.


President Cohon asked me to come and give the charge to the graduates. I assure you, it'snothing compared to the charge you have just given me.


This is an incredible place. I have seen it through so many lenses. I saw it when I was agraduate student that didn't get admitted and then somebody invited me back and said, OK,we'll change our mind.


And I saw it as a place that hired me back to be on the faculty many years later and gave methe chance to do what anybody wants to do, which is ,follow their passion, follow their heartand do the things they they're excited about.


And the great thing about this university unlike almost all the other ones I know of is thatnobody gets in your way when you try to do it. And that's just fantastic.


And to the degree that a human being can love an institution. I love this place and I love all ofthe people and I am very grateful to Jerry Cohon and everyone else for all the kindness thathave shown me.


大学英语演讲稿 篇9


madampresidentfaust,,faculty,family,friends,and,mostimportantly,today'sgraduates, 尊敬的faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位朋友,以及最重要的各位毕业生同学, thankyouforlettingmesharethiswonderfuldaywithyou. 感谢你们,让我有机会同你们一起分享这个美妙的日子。 .




罗琳女士,她一开始是古典文学的学生。前年,比尔盖茨先生站在这里。他是个超级富翁,慈善家和电脑专家。今年,很抱歉您的演讲者是我。 尽管我不是很富有,但至少我是一个大师。




"now,asthelastbrotherwithadegreefromharvard,maybe,atlast,shewillbesatisfied. 我很感激哈佛大学给我荣誉学位,这对我很重要,也许比你们会想到的还要重要。你知道,在学术上,我是我们家不配的儿子。



.iaskthatyouf***ivemefortworeasons. 在哈佛大学毕业典礼上发表演讲,还有一个难处,那就是你们中有些人可能有意见,不喜欢我重复前人演讲中说过的话。

我要求你们谅解我,因为两个理由。 first,inordertohaveimpact,itisimportanttodeliverthesamemessagemorethanonce.inscience,itisimportanttobethefirstpersontomakeadiscovery,.

首先,为了产生影响,重复同样的信息很重要。在科学中,第一个发现者是重要的,但在被认识之前,最后一个重**现的人可能更重要。 second,.


"whyshouldmencementspeakersbeheldtoahigherstandard? 其次,一个借鉴他人的作者,正走在一条前人开辟的道路上。哈佛大学毕业生、诗人爱默生曾写道:




afterall,,"deansofrejection."clearly,ihavealottolearnaboutmarketing. 我还要指出一点,向哈佛毕业生发表演说,对我来说是有讽刺意味的,因为如果当年我斗胆向哈佛大学递交入学申请,一定会被拒绝。



显然,我需要学会如何推销自己。 .thefirstmovement,justpresented,werelight-heartedremarks.











