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【#范文大全# #简单的英语教案汇集#】老师会对课本中的主要教学内容整理到教案课件中,所以老师写教案可不能随便对待。教案是评估学生学习效果的有效依据,好的教案课件是怎么写成的?我们听了一场关于“简单的英语教案”的演讲让我们思考了很多,经过阅读本页你的认识会更加全面!


简单的英语教案 篇1

教学重点:让学生熟练掌握“This is …/That is … ”的用法。

教学难点 :this和that的发音以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法是教学中的难点。教师要通过创设情景让学生理解和掌握。



2.教师准备Chen Jie的头饰。

3. 如果条件允许,教师让学生提前准备金黄色假发套。

1.播放本单元Let’s do A的录音带,学生听音做动作。


3.教师播放本单元歌曲《Our School》,先让学生听,然后鼓励学生跟唱。

1.教师和学生进行free talk,话题是Why do you like our school? 鼓励学生用简单的句子做出回答,即使只能说出只言片语,教师也要给予表扬。顺着这一话题。教师说:“Yes, our school is really very nice. Today some friends from America are coming to see our school. Chen Jie is showing them around school. Let’s watch. 由此导入  新课。

2.播放本课课件Let’s talk 部分。教师可以就对话内容提一些问题,如:How many American friends are there? What do you do in the playground? 在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。


first和second的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:T: What’s in the first/second picture? Ss: It’s a library/ a teacher’s office. 也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:T: The first card, playground; the second card, … 然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语on the first floor 和on the second floor。


一学生手举起图片背对其他学生面向黑板站立,另一学生依照图的'提示做出动作,其余的学生猜测图上表示的是什么课室或学校场馆,用句型“That is a …”作答。

1. 做本单元A Let’s talk 部分的活动手册配套练习。

2. 听Let’s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。

3. 给爸爸妈妈介绍自己的学校。

Let’s talk:

简单的英语教案 篇2

I.Teaching aims and demands


1>.make a plan for a trip

2>.tips on a trip

3>.design an eco-travel for local tourism

4>.travel on holiday and write postcards or travel notes


1>intensions and plans

Where would you prefer going...? Where are you going off to...?

How would you like to go to...? How are you going to...?


Have a good/nice/pleasant trip!


consider;means;transportation;board;experience;simply;vacation;nature;basic;equipment;simple;tip;poisonous;paddle;stream;normal;excitement;adventurous;handle;similarity;particular;poison;separate;combine;task get away from; watch out; protect ab/sth from; see sb off; on the other hand; as well as

4.Grammar:present continuous tense

1>describe actions happening now

2>describe actions in the near future

II. Key points

The First Period

Teaching objectives:

1. To be more environmentally conscious and safety-conscious

2. To be able to talk about traveling--destinations and means of transportation

3. To be able to listen for specific information, e.g. boarding calls at the airport

4. To be able to give reasons for the choice of means of transportation

5. To learn about boarding procedures at the airport

Step I Introduction

Some questions: What's Unit 3 about? Do you like traveling? Do you know why people like traveling?

But sometimes people do something wrong or something dangerous when they travel. Do you agree?

Look at the four pictures on page 15.

Pair work: Talk about these pictures: What are they doing? What's wrong? What should they do? Say a few sentences about each picture. (Slide 1)

Class work: Get some pairs of students to report their discussion to the class

Step II Preparation

How do people get to the places they want to go to? There are different ways of traveling.


Question: What do you have to consider before you decide how to get to your destination?

[1. Cost 2. Comfort 3. Time 4. Safety …] (Slide 2)

Step III Task

Group discussion: The National Day vacation is coming near. Suppose you have the chance to go to one of the following places: Beijing, Haikou, Shanghai and Hong Kong, if you don't want to go to these places, you can decide to go to any place you want to go. Discuss and decide how you will go there and explain why. (Slide 3)

Class work: Have some students report their discussion to the class. (Slide 4)

Step IV Listening

Now let's look at two airports: Hangzhou International Airport in Xiaoshan and Wuhan Tianhe Airport (Slide 5)

Now follow me into the terminal building of Wuhan Tianhe Airport. (Slide 6)

How do we know when we should get onto the right plane? Which gate should we go through? Yes, there will be boarding calls (登机广播). You will hear boarding calls 30 minutes before the plane takes off. Please listen carefully and write down the information you need.

Listening Exercise 1 (page 15)

Next we're going to hear five world travelers talking. Please listen carefully and take down some specific information. You don't have to write every word you hear. Just get down the most important words. If you can't spell some words, you can just write down some letters. For example, write NY for New York, GW for the Great Wall.

Listening Exercise 2 (page 16)

Step V Workbook: Listening

Have you ever traveled by air? I have traveled by air several times.

At the airport you have to go through some boarding procedures before you can get onto your flight.

When you arrive at the airport, you go into the terminal building. First, you

check in for your flight at the check-in desk…Second, …Third, …Finally, when your flight is called, you go through the departure gate in order to get onto the plane…

Talk about the six pictures on page 97 with the whole class before they listen.

Listening (page 97): Listen to the tape and arrange the pictures in the right


If there is not enough time for this task, it can be left as homework. Since the

boarding procedures have just been explained, this task should not be too difficult for the students to do by themselves.

Step VI Summary of the lesson

What did we learn in this lesson? Did you enjoy this lesson?…

Blackboard writing:

For your reference:

Boarding procedures for airlines in China 国内航班登机程序

When you arrive at the airport, you go into the terminal building (候机楼). First, you check in (办理登机手续) for your flight at the check-in desk. You show your ID card and plane ticket, and they will give you a boarding card (登机牌). If you have large and heavy bags, you have to check (托运) them there. They will give you a ticket so that you can collect your bags when you arrive at your destination. Second, you go through security (安检), where they check that you are not carrying anything dangerous. Third, if you have time you can wait for your flight in the departure lounge (候机厅). Finally, when your flight is called, you go through the departure gate (登机口/门) in order to get onto the plane. After your plane has landed, you go to the baggage reclaim (行李提取处) to collect your bags. Then you go out into the arrivals area (到达区) of the airport.

Teaching Plan For Unit 3 Going Places


Teaching Aims and Demands

Topic: The Time Machine


1. To enable the students to express their good wishes by finishing tasks.

2. To develop the students’ critical thinking.

Structure: Review Indirect Speech

Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Warming Up

1. Talk about the transportation and elicit the topic of speaking.

2. Explain what the time machine is.

Step 2. Speaking

Task1: Individual Work

Enable the students to imagine that they have a time machine and ask themselves some questions:

Q1: To which year you would like to go?

Q2: Where would you like to go?

Q3: Why?

Task2: Pair Work

Ask partner about the year and place he/she wants to travel to and make a similar conversation according to the dialogue in the text.

Task3: Group Work

Interview another group and write down the information. Give his/her group a report.(Indirect Speech)

Step 3. Critical Thinking

Present a dilemma for each pair to solve.

Discussion1 : A time machine, need or not?

Make up a simple dialogue and act it out.

Discussion2(Subjoin):Tips for safety

Traveling to the Jurassic Period or the year 3000.

Step 4. Homework

Extensive reading: How to Build a Time Machine

Teaching plan for Unit 3 (Reading)

Sub Topic : Adventure travel

II. Focus : Reading

III. General Objectives

To develop the students’ ability of extracting relevant information and the ability of reading.

To help the students to know what an adventure travel is.

To instruct the students how to make a plan for an adventure travel and learn how to protect themselves.

IV. Teaching Aids

A set of multimedia teaching system, some worksheets

and pictures

V. Teaching approach

Communicative approach

2. Interactive Patterns

(Teacher- class , individual , pairs , groups)

3. Task – based learning

4. Task – based activities throughout the class

Teaching Procedures

Step One Warming up (Pre - reading)

1. Remind the students of their own experience of travel.

2. Talk about different kinds of travel .

Discuss the following questions :

Do you like traveling? Why or why not?

What kinds of travel do you like best? Why ?

What should you pay attention to when you are traveling ?

Would you like to do something different from what

most other people do ?

What do you think this kind of travel is ?

Can you think of some sorts of adventure travel ?

Are you fond of an adventure travel ? Why ?

Step Two Reading


This step is designed to get the students to go through the passage quickly to get its gist .

Ask the students to have a quick look at the three subtitles and two pictures to find out the relationship between them. Then use a sentence to describe each picture and invite some groups to report their discussion to the class


It is designed to let the students read the whole passage quickly

to get some specific information .

Go through the whole passage quickly and then carry out the following tasks .

① Read the first paragraph fast to find the topic sentence .

② Go through the second paragraph “Hiking” quickly and then discuss the following questions :

Why is hiking a kind of adventure travel ?

Where can you go hiking ?

③ Move on to “Rafting” and ask them to make a list of its main points and fill in a form .

Specific information about rafting

What can you tell ?

1. the basic equipment:

2. the places to travel:

3. activities to do:

④ Compare hiking and rafting . Write their similarities and differences in the chart on the screen .

Extension practice

Extension1: Discussion

Let the students discuss the following questions :

① What preparations should you make before your adventure travel ?

② What are the most basic useful tips for successful hiking and rafting ?

Extension 2: Have a jigsaw activity

Give each group different tips for traveling abroad and then ask them to find the sentences which belong to the same group and then put the sentences together .

Extension 3: Have a competition .

Encourage the students to express their views on hiking and rafting in groups .

Questions : Which of you would like to go hiking ?

Which of you like rafting ? Why ?

And which holds the different views ?

Which likes other adventure travels ?

Extension4: Hold a debate :

According to the students’ choices, divide the class into some groups and ask them to hold a debate .

Positive : It’s worthwhile to go adventure traveling .

Argument: …

Negative: It’s not worthwhile to take the risk .

Argument: …

Step Three Post- reading

1. Create an environment in which students can use what they have learnt .

Play a guessing game :

Talk about their adventure travel in Yuhang which makes a big impression .

2. Ask the students to make a plan for an adventure travel , including time, place, activity, safety rules etc. Invite some groups to read their plans to the class in the form of oral announcement . Encourage them to think of other adventure travels as well .

3. Revise the adventure plan and make some guidebooks . Then send the guidebooks to the visiting teachers and let them choose the most suitable ones or send the guidebooks to Yuhang travel agency.

Step Four Homework

1. Revise the plan for their adventure travel again .

2. Write a composition about one of their adventure travels.

Unit3 4th period Language study

Aims and demands:

1. Learn to define or paraphrase words or phrases.

2. Learn and master the use of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

3. Learn new words and expressions: particular, poison, poisonous, go on separate holidays, in a few days’ time, see off, take a taxi, go to some place for a holiday, be off, on holiday

4. Write passages using different tenses of verbs.

Teaching important points:

The use of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

Teaching difficult points:

The use of the Present Continuous Tense

How to organize a passage using different tenses of verbs.

Teaching procedure:

Step1 Greeting and revision.

Since we have learned something about traveling, would you please tell me the purpose of traveling? Or, why do people travel? Possible purposes are:

To visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful.

To meet new friends. To try new kinds of food.

To experience life in other parts of the world.

To get away from cold or heat. To get away from business.

Step2 Word study

So if you want to travel, and enjoy your journey, you’ll have to choose your destination. It is very important. And also you’ll have to consider transportation. A place that you are going to is called _________. ( destination). Let’s fill in the blanks, to define what these words are.

1. destination a place you are going to

2. transportation a means or way of carrying passengers or goods

from one place to another

3. vacation any period of holiday

4. get away from to be away from a place

5. consider to think about something

6. equipment the things needed for a particular activity

7. watch out to take care

8. basic being the main or important part of

9. poisonous having the effect of poison

Step3 Listening and reading.

Listen to the tape and read after the tape. The students work in pairs.

Step4 Acting.

Get several pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step5 Individual activity.

Four groups are arranged for different tasks:

Group A: Try to find out the expressions of good wishes. add more to what you have found.

Group B: Try to find out all the sentences with verb tenses.

Group C: Try to find out sentences with the Present Continuous Tense.

Group D: Try to explain and conclude the use of the Present Continuous Tense

Step6 Consolidation

Expressions of good wishes:

Have a nice time in Guangzhou. Say “Hi” to Bob for me Have a good trip.

Have a good day. Favorite wind.

Good luck. Have a pleasant journey.

Best wishes. Wish you all the best.

May you succeed! Wish you every success!

Enjoy your stay here. Remember me to your parents.

Happy New Year! The same to you.

Get one student to read out sentences with verb tenses.

Step7 Language focus.

Get several students in Group C and D to say what they have just found out.

Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few years’ time.

How are you getting to the airport? Is anybody seeing you off?

My brother Bob is going with me to the airport. Are you going anywhere for the holiday?

I’m going to Xi’an with my parents on Friday. How are you getting there?


a. What is the verb form? ( -ing form; present participle)

b. In what tense is the verb used? ( The Present Continuous Tense)

c. Does it refer to the present? ( No, it doesn’t.)

d. What time does it refer to? (The future.)

The Present Continuous Tense may be used for future actions. It is used to denote an action which can be preplanned or prearranged instead of the Future Indefinite Tense. The action is usually regarded as having been decided upon beforehand. When it is used, there is often an indication of time.

What words can be used in this way?

Verbs that can be used are: go, leave, come, get, arrive, meet, see off, take off, return, start, fly, stay, find, etc.

e.g. I’m coming.

I’m leaving at seven tonight.

Step8 Practice

WB Page 100, Exx.3. Translate the following sentences into English.

Step9 Practice

Times change and so does the way we live. Think how things were done in the past, how they are done today, and how they will be done in the future. Fill in the blanks.

Action Past Present Future

Travel Horse Car/plane Spaceship

Reading Scrolls, bamboo books Books, computers Cellphone, electric newspapers

Writing Simple pens Pens and computers Computer pens

Shopping Market Shops and supermarkets Online shopping

Working People worked on farms People work in offices, factories, shops, etc. some still work on farms Work at home, using computers

Step 10. Writing.

Write sentences about the items in the chart above.

Example: In the past, people used to travel by horse. Today most people travel by car or by plane. In the future, people will perhaps travel by spaceship.


Finish WB exercises on Page 99.

Write a passage using the Present Continuous Tense to refer to future activity.

Unit 3 Going places 5 -6th period Writing

Step 1 Warming up 3'

Q1 People travel for many different reasons, yet, why is adventure travel becoming more and more popular?(They are looking for an unusual experience. They like something adventurous. It's challenging! It cultivates perseverance. .)

Q2 Can you give an example of adventure traveler in China? (e.g. Xu Xiake in the Ming Dynsty, was fond of travel and wrote travels;Ss from colleges built some teams to climb large mountains, including Mount Everest; Yu Chunshun took an adventure tour to Tibet.) All right. If you love adventure travel, don't forget safety and do remember the tips given in our text.

Q3 How do you find eco-travel in our country?

(In Zhejiang, for example, the Forest Travel Agency provides us with various tours to some lakes, parks, mountains, villages etc. People can enjoy the mountain scenery, play with some animals, and learn a lot locally. ) Remember, if you are on travel, do travel responsibly!

Q4 What are your last holidays like.(This summer, I went to Qingdao by train together with my cousins and uncle. That's a wonderful experience....)

Step 2 Read and write 8'

1 P. 21 Look at the schedule for Sue's trip. Imagine that you are Sue. Write two letters in which you describe what you are doing, what you will do and what you have done. The first letter should be written on Friday and the second letter should be written on Sunday.

Pay attention to the tips!

2. Ask your partner to read your letters, make sure you use the right tenses in the separate letters(Past indefinite tense, Present perfect tense, Present continuous tense, Future indefinite tense). anything good and anything that can be made better.

3. Read a good version to the class. If you are on a trip, don't forget to write to your parents or just ring them. You can share a lot about the trip with them and after all, you are their children. They will be missing you.

Step 3 Checkpoint 3 2'

will and be going to

We often prefer (am) going to to will for intentions, plans and arrangements::

We’re going to spend our holidays in Europe.

We often prefer will to (am) going to when we decide to do something at the moment of speaking:

We are really lost, I’ll pull to the side of the road and ask someone the way./If I have time tomorrow, I _________ring you. /It’s our son’s birthday next week so we __________have a party.

Step 4 Discussion 5'

T: Well, As for traveling, if I have time, I prefer going Xishuangbanna, for I am interested in the Water-splashing Festival and the marriage custom of Mosuo people in Lijiang. I will visit Dais Garden in Xishuangbanna, the first natural ecological village in China and join them in the activity of splashing. And I will also pay a visit to the Lake of Lugu, where Mosuo people live. I hope I can communicate with some of them and try to understand their life and culture. Where are you going if you are really offered a eco-travel? And tell what and why you will do.

(Ss may speak in pairs. Ask two or three to demonstrate.)

Put down some structures can be used for “Attitudes”:

Preference: / I prefer..../ I would rather.../I would like(love) to

Intentions and plans: I will (Here we don't use “am going to”)... / I want to.../I intend....

Hopes and wishes: I hope..../I wish.../I am eager to...

Purpose and reasons:. since... /..for... / as..../because... /in hopes of...

Step 5 Read and write 24'

1.Look and say :What do you know about Australia?(Show some relevant pictures)

Using the structures above, talk in groups:①What to see; ②What to do; ③What to learn

2. Reading: Now read a piece of news in the local newspaper.

① What is Adventures-R-Us giving away?

② What will the winner do all in one week?

③ What should you do to win the competition?

3.Writing: Australia, dolphin, the river rafting and it's free. What a trip! It's up to you to write a short passage, explaining your purpose and reasons:. And do remember the tips before writing. List good ideas and make notes..(strong swimmer/speak English/collected some information for dolphin swims/interested in animal life/curious about the separate continent's natural beauty/ unique plants and animals / the cultural heritage /foster environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation)

Individual work Ss write their essays. and later they are given the following form to evaluate themselves(Self-assessment).Consider your own letters and tick in the next grid if that is true:

What I Can Do

I can plan before I write.

I can write about real things.

I can write stories with a beginning, middle, and an end.

I can use tenses correctly.

I can ask others to read my work.

I can write in complete sentences.

I can put periods at the end of sentences.

I can make my handwriting easy to read.

Group work Ss then should be divided into groups of six or seven. Pass the essays round for perusal, telling the writer what you find interesting, authentic, practical, functional and meaningful in his/her essay, and of course, what could be made better. This should be done in English. Pick out the best one in your group.

Class work Ask the representative of each group to read his/her essay aloud to the class. Make a list of the representatives and decide whose is the most reasonable and persuasive, voting by a show of hands. Then teacher declare the winner, who is going to be given a free trip to Australia. The class congratulate.

Students' names S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8

Personal quality (2’)

Activities planned (2')

Any good ideas (2')

Language (4')

Step 6 Discussion 2'

T: Well, most of us are not as lucky as..., but we can find somewhere else to go. So, would you please work in groups of four or five, write down possible destinations and activities, you can use the following questions to get started: Where would you like to go?/ What would you like to do? /What would you like to see?/ What would you like to learn?

Homework 1'

1 Follow the instructions in PROJECT in P.102, write an ad with maps and pictures. Bring it here next time. Let's choose the most suitable trip for us and decide when to go.

2. Work in a team of four or five fill out the Achievement chart

Team goals

What I have learnt How I learnt it

What problems How I solve our problems

Problems I am still having What I am going to solve them

简单的英语教案 篇3


【教学重点】句型:Is this your skirt?  Yes, it is.  Is that your T-shirt?  No, it’s not.

【教学难点 】指导学生正确使用名词所有格。




1、学生按指令做完动作,教师顺手拿起一学生的衣物问:Is this your shirt? 引出新课。


3、在黑板上呈现新单词,学生认读。教师放录音,学生模仿,可用一定的动作或表演来帮助理解和加深印象,如:Where is my skirt? 教师或学生可做在一堆衣服里寻找的动作,Is this your skirt? 可以做拿一件衣服询问的动作。

4、操练句型Is this your shirt? Yes, it is./ No, it’s not. 进行替换练习。


Let’s play:

学生画出自己喜欢的衣服,并涂色。然后以组为单位交给教师展示,教师从各组中任意抽取几张并问:Is this your …?,学生回答。由师生操练过渡到生生操练。



2、Ask and answer:小组比赛,A、B两组互问问题,比比哪个组答的又快又准确。奖励优胜。



Unit 3  Is this your skirt?

简单的英语教案 篇4




1.新名词:paper-cut, dragon dance, lantern, Spring Festival

2.交际用语:Happy Spring Festival! The same to you!




能在正确的情景中使用交际用语:Happy Spring Festival! The same to you!









2.能在正确的情景中使用交际用语:Happy Spring Festival! The same to you!


Spring Festival的读法




step 1. warming up (热身活动)

1.Duty report

2.Chant (lesson 37)

step 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课)




step 3. learning(学习新课)

1.Perceive 教师出示教学挂图,学生观察。

T: Which season is it?

What is in the girl’s hand? ——lantern Dragon dance Spring Festival

What are they doing? ——Dragon dance

Do you know what festival is it? ——Spring Festival


2.Listen to the tape and repeat

step 4. practicing (操练)

1.教师做拜年的姿势,边拜年边说:Happy Spring Festival!

2.Pair work学生拜年

S1: Happy Spring Festival!

S2: You too.

3.在学生熟练运用的基础上,教S2: The same to you!


Group work 鼓励学生在较为真实的语境中运用以上交际用语


step 5. summary (小结)

1.学会了新名词paper-cut, dragon dance, lantern, Spring Festival

2.会用日常交际用语:Happy Spring Festival! The same to you!


step 6. homework (家庭作业)

py new words

2.Make a paper-cut or lantern with your parents.Bring it back next time.

3.Say“Happy Spring Festival!”to your parents.

简单的英语教案 篇5

【教学重点】单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse,goat,lamb及其复数形式的表达。   句型:What are they?和Are they…?的问答。 【教学难点】horse,sheep,goat的复数形式表达。 【教学准备】 Let’s learn(A)录音及课件,教师和学生共同准备所学动物单词卡。 【教学过程】 (一)导入: 1、教师提问:I love animals very much. Do you love animals?What animals do you know? 2、学生说说自己知道的动物单词,一旦学生说出本课涉及到的单词,教师要及时拿出卡片,请这位同学来教大家读。 (二)呈现新知: 教师说:Do you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm. Let’s go and have a look说:Look,it is a farm. So many animals. What can you see? 学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生指图回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬,也可让学生用中文回答。 告诉学生我们要学习有关farm的`内容,教读farm。 让学生观看课件2遍,教师只点击有关单词部分,学生跟读。 教师出示单词卡:sheep,hen,cow,horse,goat,lamb,让学生进行认读,教师可以将一些发音规律,帮助学生记忆单词。如:ee在sheep中发[i:] ow在cow中发[aU],oa在goat中发[EU]等等,也可以启发学生说说怎样记住每个单词。(将卡片贴到黑板上) 巩固单词:a、教师说单词,学生指图。 b、教师指图,学生说单词。 c、一个学生说任意一个单词,其他学生举起相应的图片。 Let’s do部分: 学生观看课件。 启发学生根据所看内容说说feed,ride,milk,shear,hold的意思。 播放录音,学生根据所听内容做出相应的动作。 教师指图提问:What are they? 学生回答: They are goats. / sheep. / horses. / cows. / lambs. / hens. 教师要特别关注学生单词复数形式的发音,适时纠正。 引导学生发现所学单词单数形式与复数形式的区别,强调sheep单数和复数相同,horses,goats的发音。 10、教师提问:How many…? 学生回答:…  …  (再次巩固所学名词复数) 11、播放课文录音,学生跟读。 12、学生两人一组看图问答:A:What are they?  B:They are .… 请几组学生在班内汇报,教师进行评价。 (三)趣味操练: 教师说句子,学生举出相应的卡片: It’s a cow. They are cows. It’s a sheep. They are sheep. It’s a hen. They are hens It’s a goat.  They are goats. It’s a lamb.  They are lambs. It’s a horse. They are horses. 请一位同学拿一张卡片(复数形式的图片)站在前面,不让全班看到正面是什么,其他人用Are they …? 来猜图片内容。猜错了,该同学要说:No, they aren’t. 猜对了,说:Yes, they are. 学生连续一组做猜卡片的游戏。 (四)扩展性练习: 1、做本单元A Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习。 2、将Let’s learn部分的图讲给家长听。

简单的英语教案 篇6

【教学重点】句型Are they…?How many…do you have?的理解与应用。

1、 Let’s talk部分的录音及课件。

2、 本单元歌曲的录音。

3、 相关单词卡片。

(一) 复习/热身:

1、 教师播放上节课扩展资料中的歌曲,学生跟着一起唱。

2、 提问:What can you hear in this song ? 学生说出在歌中听到的动物的单词。

(二) 呈现新知:

1、教师打开自制课件,点击课件,当听到What are they?时,教师示范:Are they cows?学生回答No,they aren’t.然后教师引导学生用Are they猜猜轮廓中的动物,(注意学生单词复数的发音,适时纠正),当学生猜对单词后教师再点击课件,出示正确答案。


3、教师拿起几支笔握在手中,不要露出笔尖。引导学生用Are they来猜猜是什么笔, 教师根据实际回答:Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

4、 教师随手拿起几个笔袋:Are they pencil-boxes? 学生回答:Yes, they are. 或No, they aren’t.  然后教师说:They are not pencil-boxes. They are pencil-cases.

5、 组织学生分组利用自己的学习用品问答  A:Are they …? B:Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

(教师提供资源:desks/tables  pants/short   sunglasses/glasses)

6、 学生汇报练习情况,当学生对话后,教师要接着问:How many…do you have?引导学生答出相应的数量。

(三) 学习对话:

1、  打开Let’s talk部分课件,学生观看1-2遍,在情景中理解对话的语句。

2、  教师就对话内容提问,检查学生的理解情况。(显示课件的插图)

Are they sheep?/ goats?/  horses?/  donkeys?/hens?/  cows?

How many …?

3、  跟录音朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。

4、  小组分角色表演对话,教师巡视指导。

5、  启发学生替换有关动物单词,创新对话。

B:Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.(They are .…)

A:How many … do you have?

6、  看图汇报,可以是对话原文,也可以是创新的对话。教师进行评价,对积极参与的同学要给与表扬。

(四) 趣味操练:

1、  同桌两个同学用卡片做Let’s do部分猜卡片的活动。

2、  照像的'游戏:请一半学生下座位模仿各种动物的动作,教师说:Stop!所有的学生都不能再动,请剩下的一半同学先说说动物的种类:They are …, 再问答动物的数量:How many …?

(五)  扩展活动:

1、  做本单元A Let’s talk部分的活动手册配套练习。

2、  向同伴、朋友或家长了解更多的关于农场上的动物的知识。

Are they sheep?/ goats?/ horses?/ donkeys?/hens?/ cows?

Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.(They are .…)

How many …?

Are they …?

How many … do you have?

I have .…

简单的英语教案 篇7

第二课时 备时 9、20 授时9、21 一、教学目标与要求 1.  能够听、说、认读四会句型,并能在实际情景中熟练运用。 2.  能够听懂Lets try部分,并能根据录音内容选择正确的答案。 二、教学重、难点分析 1.  本课时的教学重点是问路和指点方向。 2.  本课时的教学难点是书写四会句型。 三、课前准备   教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.  热身(Warm-up)   (1)教师放本单元Lets chant的歌谣,把学生分成两大组,用一问一答的形式来吟唱,比一比哪组表现出色。   (2)“佳作欣赏”活动   教师将全班学生分成六至八组,请学生在组内展示自己设计的城市图,并进行描述。各组选出最好的一张设计图,张贴在教室里请全班学生欣赏。 2.预习(Preview) lets try   教师放录音,学生听音看图,选择正确答案。 3.新课呈现(Presentation)   Let’s talk (1)“模拟城市”活动   教师将单词卡片:cinema  hospital,post office,bookstore,library,school等随意发给几名学生,告诉全班该学生的.位置就是卡片上公共场所cinema的位置以及该学生附近还有哪处建筑物,如:“The cinema is here. The hospital is next to the cinema.” “The post office is next to the hospital.” (2) “Where is the cinema ,please? It’s next to the hospital.”教师示范后请全班学生仿照该句型来进行问答。 (3)传话游戏 “Where is the cinema ?Its next to the hospital.”等句子,各组纸条上的地点都不相同。生依次将纸条上的话悄悄地传下去,看哪组说句子最准确最迅速。 (4)教师出示Lets talk部分的教学挂图,请学生看图替换关键词进行问答练习,后检测一组学生,请他们做“连锁操练”。 (5)“好搭档”活动   学生自找“搭档”,教师口述几处公共场所的位置, There is a hospital on the left.The hospital is next to a bookstore.”等。 教学反思: 英语学习的最终目的是将语言知识运用到实际生活中,本课时的教学内容是运用了最基本和必须的语言素材来“做事”,为学生边学边用提供了平台,运用所学语言知识进行沟通、解决生活中的问题是英语学习的最终目的,有助于学生养成英语解决问题的习惯,为学生的继续学习打下坚实的基础。  

简单的英语教案 篇8


Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.


which 引导非限制性定语从句,代替整个句子,且不能在句首;as也可引导非限制性定语从句,指大家熟悉的事情或常理,可以


用as, which填空:

(1)He turned out very successful, ________ was more than we

could expect.

(2)He said that he had never seen her before, _______ was nottrue.(3)_____ is known to all, she is one of the best students.

(4)______ we had expected, he won the game.

(5)He won the game, _________ we hadn't expected.


They've won their last three matches, ________I find a bit surprising actually. (高考辽宁卷)

A. that B. when C. what D. which



